Laudato si Week, May 19th-26th 2024.
Poster, Sisters of St Joseph and the Sacred Heart
A reminder that this was one of the resolutions of our 2023 Chapter.
The Chapter recommends, through the existing Laudato si’ Committee, that the Province join the Laudato si’ Action Platform and communicate resources and challenges to live with greater commitment. This is a sign of our individual and communal ecological conversion.
In February this year, a Provincial Council report in Stephen Hackett’s letter noted,
Laudato Si’. A new Chair to this committee will hopefully be appointed soon.
This Laudato Si’ Week and Pentecost, let us gather in community to contemplate and nurture seeds of hope for our “suffering planet” (LD 2). Laudate Deum is a reminder about the urgency of the Laudato Si’ message: the need
for both personal and cultural transformation amidst our ecological and climate crises.
This year’s Laudato Si’ Week theme is inspired by the symbol for Season of Creation 2024, “firstfruits.”
Let us be seeds of hope in our lives and our world, rooted in faith and love.
“There are no lasting changes without cultural changes … and there are no cultural changes without personal changes” (LD, 70)
Poster: Loreto