Bob Irwin MSC, the Spirit of Chevalier
John Mulrooney writes:
After the mass Bob Irwin received the ‘Esprit de Chevalier’ medal in recognition of his contribution to education in Australia. This award comes with the significant medal and looks a little like the Order of Australia medal!! This award started some years ago and initiated by the College Board. John Franzmann, Tyson Donnelly and Chris McDermott have been previous recipients.
At the Chev mass we had student and staff representatives from Monivae and Daramalan College. This has become quite a tradition in recent years. We were delighted the Provincial, Stephen Hackett, was able to be with us for the eucharist celebration.
After the mass the students participate in competitive games with their ‘home room’ (the group they start each day with which includes Year 7-12 students) and includes a bar-b-q lunch which is prepared by a number of past students of the College.