National Reconciliation Week, May 27th – June 3rd
After last year’s referendum result, this week is needed more than ever.
Disregard of Aboriginal prior rights to land was the ‘root of all evil’ in the colonisation of Australia.Archbishop Polding, Sydney, Pastoral Letter, 1869
The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Australia have a long history with the First Nations People of this land and are committed to Reconciliation.
To foster that commitment, you might like to read this list and remember:
Tiwi Islands
Arltunga/ Santa Teresa
Wadeye/ Port Keats
Deacon Boniface Perdjert
Nauiyu/ Daly River
Nelen Yubu Missiological Unit/ Daly River
Nelen Yubu periodical
Darwin Cathedral
Alice Springs
Tennant Creek
Torres Strait
Hammond Island
Thursday Island
Wilcannia/ Menindee
Palm Island
Erskineville/ ACM, Aboriginal Catholic Mission
The MSC Brothers, Priests, Bishops, the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, the Lay Missionaries
And students in our schools, especially St John’s Darwin,
Students at Downlands, Chevalier, Monivae, Daramalan
- And at Monivae, Mick Dodson,
And acknowledging Pat Dodson, sharing 15 years of MSC life with us,
And his being named in 1997 The Father of Reconciliation