Current News
Wednesday, 30 June 2021 22:23
NATSICC award to Leo Wearden MSC
NATSICC award to Leo Wearden MSC Letter from Malcolm Fyfe MSC, Vicar General of the Diocese of Darwin Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday Celebrations (4 July), I write to remind you that this Sunday is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday. You can easily access a wealth of resources…
Tuesday, 29 June 2021 22:29
Congratulations: 60 years ordained
Congratulations: 60 years ordained The ordination group of 1961 has its 60th anniversary of ordination. Adrian Meaney and Kevin Barr have died. Brian Taylor celebrates in Japan, Russell Andersen in Eastern Papua, Paul Castley in Kew, covid preventing him joining Patrick Sharpe and Michael Fallon at Kensington. This photo shows…
Monday, 28 June 2021 22:18
The evangelising power of Christian art - Stephen Hackett MSC
The evangelising power of Christian art - Stephen Hackett MSC Jesus said nothing about art. He did, however, speak using images that were at once familiar enough to be grasped and yet evocative enough to provide a glimpse of the mystery about which he was speaking – God, the Kingdom,…
Sunday, 27 June 2021 22:21
Congratulations, Trieu Nguyen MSC, Graduate, English as a second language
Congratulations, Trieu Nguyen MSC, Graduate, English as a second language Trieu is now a distinguished graduate of the English as a Second Language for Pastoral Ministry School at the Yarra Theological Union. Trieu studied there in his pre-novitiate year, 2019. Trieu will begin his theological studies at YTU next semester, joining…
Friday, 25 June 2021 23:51
Midwinter visit to some MSC Parishes – a variety of activities
Midwinter visit to some MSC Parishes – a variety of activities Peter Anthony at North Randwick John Kelliher at St Paul’s Nightcliff Terry Bowman, Kensington, with OLSH Provincial, Philippa Murphy. Ecumenism at Kippax, Anglican Mark Short, Catholic Christopher Prowse Come to Moonah, St Therese. Participating from the Crying Room at…
Thursday, 24 June 2021 17:40
Rest in Peace, Bishop Paul Mea MSC, Tarawa and Nauru
Rest in Peace, Bishop Paul Mea MSC, Tarawa and Nauru Shared from the Province of the Pacific Islands· The first native and MSC Bishop of the Diocese of Tarawa and Nauru Bishop Paul Paul Eusebius Mea Kaiuea passed away at 5am this morning Thursday 24th June, Solemnity Feast of the…
Wednesday, 23 June 2021 22:09
MSC GENERAL CONFERENCE, END OF PART I We have completed the first part of the MSC General Conference. These are held every two years in between General Chapters. The last one, two years ago, was in South Korea. This year was to be held in Brazil but we had to…
Tuesday, 22 June 2021 22:23
An enjoyable anecdote: Fr Paddy Moloney MSC and the inspiration for The Old Mass Shandrydan
An enjoyable anecdote: Fr Paddy Moloney MSC and the inspiration for The Old Mass Shandrydan Recently, we highlighted the 60th Anniversary of his death and his pioneer mission work in Central Australia with aboriginal people. Perhaps our international visitors to our site do not know of the famous book of…
Monday, 21 June 2021 22:18
Joan Warhurst, AM, Queen’s Honours, work for MSC Education
Joan Warhurst, AM, Queen’s Honours, work for MSC Education Joan Warhurst, AM. Also notes on three religious who receive Honours and may be known to MSC. Attached is the citation from the Honours website. Joan has been a Board member of Daramalan College and from 2013 – 2021…
Sunday, 20 June 2021 22:23
Some unexpected updates from our Deputy.
Some unexpected updates from our Deputy. Terry Naughton msc celebrated 55 years of Ordination yesterday. Congratulations Terry. When he was asked to sum up the past 55 years in one sentence! He referred to all the great MSC’s with whom he has lived and worked. As for some advice for…
Saturday, 19 June 2021 18:09
Rest in Peace, Fr William (Bill) Cunningham MSC
Rest in Peace, Fr William (Bill) Cunningham MSC Peter Hendriks writes: 'Stephen Dives called this morning to say that Bill Cunningham died last night. While it was unexpected the staff at St Joseph’s said it was very peaceful. Stephen and other members of the Sacred Heart Monastery community are on…
Friday, 18 June 2021 23:17
Great celebration day, St Mary’s Towers, Jubilees
Great celebration day, St Mary’s Towers, Jubilees On Saturday June 12th there was a combined celebration (which sounds too light – better something anza in it, bonanza, extravaganza!). 50 years ordained: Len Helm, Arthur Stidwell, Ed Travers, Terry Herbert. 25 years ordained: Dominic Gleeson 60 years professed: Pauline Compton 25…
Thursday, 17 June 2021 22:19
Permanent Deacon, John Collins, Parramatta Diocese.
Permanent Deacon, John Collins, Parramatta Diocese. John (Francis) Collins was part of the Heart of Life group for young adults at the Sacred Heart Monastery, Croydon, in the late 1970s. He entered the MSC pre-novitiate program in 1979 but did not continue. However, he has had quite a significant role…
Wednesday, 16 June 2021 22:25
Rest in Peace, Mary Batchelor FDNSC
Rest in Peace, Mary Batchelor FDNSC 15th November 1928-6th June 2021 Two memories: From Sister Rita Grunke FDNSC From Sister Philippa Murphy FDNSC Remembering Mary Batchelor, Sister Rita Grunke Some photos from Mary’s 60th Jubilee of Religious Profession – Southern Sudan 2008 Mary and I travelled to South Africa together…
Tuesday, 15 June 2021 22:10
MSC Vietnam, Renewal of Vows, Feast of the Sacred Heart
MSC Vietnam, Renewal of Vows, Feast of the Sacred Heart Quang MSC writes: Coronavirus-19 came back again, and has been outbreaking in Vietnam since April, 27 at Yen Bai province (Northern Area). Ho Chi Minh City had a first case on May, 5, and until now the situation is…
Monday, 14 June 2021 22:27
Downlands College Past Student, 1937, Frank Calcino, turns 100.
Downlands College Past Student, 1937, Frank Calcino, turns 100. Vince Carroll MSC has written: One of our Past Students, Frank Calcino, from out near Charleville, a place called Summeriva, celebrated his 100th birthday soon, 21st May. He came to Downlands only for one year as a 16 year old…
Sunday, 13 June 2021 22:01
RIP, Larry Nemer SVD
RIP, Larry Nemer SVD MSC Melbourne would like to pay tribute to a good friend and colleague, longtime presence at YTU, host (and chef) for Field D Department meetings at Dorish Maru, Divine Word formation house, lecturer for our MSC students in recent years. Message from Fr Rass SVD, Provincial.…
Friday, 11 June 2021 22:42
Anticipating June 18th, Anne Gardiner OLSH, 90. And 70 years of profession
Anticipating June 18th, Anne Gardiner OLSH, 90. And 70 years of profession From Malcolm Fyfe MSC, Vicar General, Diocese of Darwin. When I asked her about her health and longevity, Sister said that apart from some weakness in her legs, she still enjoyed good health and that…
Thursday, 10 June 2021 22:42
Happy/ Blessed Feast of the Sacred Heart.
Happy/ Blessed Feast of the Sacred Heart. A Feast-day Reflection GOSPEL POINTERS TO JESUS’ SACRED HEART How do the Gospels reveal Jesus. Heart? Some pointers. Perhaps best to start with John’s Gospel, chapter 1, opening up language of the Trinity, the beginning, the Word, the Word with God, is God.…
Thursday, 10 June 2021 07:58
Statement by MSC Provincial Chris McPhee Garden Point Mission – Melville Island.
Statement by MSC Provincial Chris McPhee Garden Point Mission – Melville Island Class Action Completed Today completed a class action by Indigenous Australians who were brought to Garden Point Mission on Melville Island. The class action was against the: Commonwealth Government; Darwin Diocese; Missionaries of the Sacred Heart; and,…
Tuesday, 08 June 2021 22:19
Patrick Moloney MSC, 60th Anniversary of his death, his heritage in Central Australia.
Patrick Moloney MSC, 60th Anniversary of his death, his heritage in Central Australia. Here is something of that Central Australian history. An excerpt from: Francis McGarry and the ‘Little Flower Black Mission’: encounters of a Catholic lay missionary with Indigenous people of Central Australia 1935–1944. (By Charmaine Robson) …
Monday, 07 June 2021 23:35
New Book, Khoi Nguyen MSC, Alive with Disability
New Book, Khoi Nguyen MSC, Alive with Disability When the Khoi Doan Nguyen was diagnosed with an increasingly deteriorating eye condition, his reactions were understandably feelings of shock, confusion and disturbance. A young man, actively involved in priestly and congregational ministry, with a passion for communication, a gift for writing,…
Sunday, 06 June 2021 22:11
MSC General Conference 2021 - ZOOM
MSC General Conference 2021 - ZOOM The General Conference takes place between General Chapters - every two years. The last Conference was held in Korea in 2019. The next Conference begins next Wednesday by Zoom. This is a photo from the rehearsal last week, From the General Bulletin. …
Friday, 04 June 2021 23:35
Provincial Conference Reports - Photo Diary
Provincial Conference Reports - Photo Diary We presented the Conference Report by Provincial, Chris McPhee MSC. Peter Hendriks MSC, Deputy Provincial has sent photos of those who presented reports to the Conference. Mark Hanns MSC lighting the Chapter and Conference candle. Director of the Retreat House, St Mary's Tower, with…
Thursday, 03 June 2021 22:12
Chevalier Family Justice and Peace, First Friday June 2021. Let us praise God including in our prayers Nature: plants, water, wind, cosmos, fire, stars…
Chevalier Family Justice and Peace, First Friday June 2021 Let us praise God including in our prayers Nature: plants, water, wind, cosmos, fire, stars… With thanks to the MSC Sisters, Australia, Website. Practice the “R” Recycle whenever you can and place all recyclables in the right…
Wednesday, 02 June 2021 22:33
Guatamala, Quiche, E.J.Cuskelly perspective. June 4th, first time celebrating the new feast of the beatified martyrs.
Guatamala, Quiche, E.J.Cuskelly perspective. June 4th, first time celebrating the new feast of the beatified martyrs. Jose Maria Gran MSC For those visitors who would like some reading, below is an excerpt from a talk by E. J. Cuskelly MSC about his experience while Superior General about visiting Guatamala and…
Tuesday, 01 June 2021 22:03
Advertising for Director, Province Care and Assisted Living The Australian Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
Advertising for Director, Province Care and Assisted Living The Australian Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart The Organisation The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) is a religious congregation founded in France in 1854, with Brothers and Priests within the Catholic Church numbering 1900 working in over…
Monday, 31 May 2021 22:22
Some significant June days for the Chevalier Family 2021
Some significant June days for the Chevalier Family 2021 Feast of the Sacred Heart, 11th June 1 June, 1940 Mother M Electa, MSC, promises to build a chapel in honour of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, in Hiltrup, Germany, to seek protection for the Congregation and its works…
Sunday, 30 May 2021 22:39
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and the Diocese of Darwin
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and the Diocese of Darwin Malcolm Fyfe MSC, Vicar General. This Saturday, May 29th is the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, the moveable Feast being now celebrated on the Saturday after Pentecost. This Marian title and the associated devotion have…
Friday, 28 May 2021 22:40
Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart 2021.
Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart 2021. This post is coming to you from Melbourne, our second day of seven in strict lockdown for all Victoria, again. Our celebration of the Feast will be online or in small community groups. We are 15 MSC in Victoria, OLSH Sisters…