MSC Mission Office Australia
Taking the opportunity to acknowledge the Mission Office and the work of Roger Purcell MSC, Sean Donovan and the staff and all the international contacts,
Also known as “MSC Mission Office”, MSC Mission Office Australia Limited is a medium-scale charity established in 1998. Their main activity is registered as catholicism primarily serving youth - 15 to under 25 adults - aged 25 to under 65 adults - aged 65 and over people from a culturally and linguistically diverse background people in rural/regional/remote communities financially disadvantaged people females males overseas communities or charities general community in Australia.
We have coordinated with and supported our offices across the Pacific, Asia, and Africa to deliver Overseas Aid, Necessitous Circumstance (Australia), as well as non-tax deductible projects to 21 countries.
A reflection from Roger:
A culture of encounter is about meeting people, which can simply mean greeting others, socializing with a drink or a meal, meetings, conferences, assemblies of all sorts, at all levels. We meet others as daughters and sons of God, as sisters and brothers. It requires the quality of dialogue; to listen carefully and to speak truthfully, to see all as an equal, to come with mercy and compassion.
We may not be able to change the big picture, but we can change our own attitudes and outlooks. We can bring about change at our own level, and each small change builds the right values and attitudes, penetrates the structures of life creating movement in the direction God calls us.
However, all is not doom and gloom as many good things are happening with many good people working to bring about justice, equality; groups, movements, organizations, large and small, local, national and international concerned for refugees, women, children, violence, suicide, the environment and many more.
Why make a bequest?
A bequest in you will is a gift that lives on. It is a way of sharing assets that you may need now, but can spare for worthy causes when you no longer need them.
Bequests to the MSC Mission Office are an outstanding way of financing the good work done by our Missionaries.
It would be very difficult to expand the provision of services without bequests.
- provide food and accommodation for children
- support HIV-AIDS sufferers
- supply pumps, tanks and clean water for a family or a village
- build a classroom or a health clinic
- support a student for the priesthood
- support workers in the Missions
People who leave bequests to support the Missions are wise investors. Each day they will be remembered in the community prayers of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, as well as the people in the Missions
Revenue vs Expenses
MSC Mission Office Australia Limited has seen an average annual growth of 25% in revenue versus a -5% p.a. decrease in expenses. This can be a good sign of financial health.
Grants given out in 2020 for use within Australia: $14,905
Grants given out in 2020 for use outside of Australia: $349,182