Monday, 16 August 2021 22:25

Our Province Website, an anniversary

Our Province Website, an anniversary

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A memory jog.  The current postings on the Province site began 11 years ago, August 17th 2010 when the then Provincial, Tim Brennan, persuaded the editor to try out the procedure for posting – and then declared that done once, it could be continued. And it has, 6 posts a week. This posting is number 3739 (which means that there is a large archive in cyberspace). The photo is of the desk where it all happens each night, 10 pm, Phillip Addams on Late Night, It's God Forbid on Sunday nights!


You might be interested in some statistics on our reach from last week’s postings, number of site hits and Facebook responses and comments:

           Monday: Daniel Magadia’s Formation Reflection: 384. Hits;  Facebook likes and loves: 17, 3 comments and 2 shares.

           Tuesday:  Sister Helen Warman OLSH: 411 hits; Facebook likes and loves, 30, 4 comments and 10 shares.

           Wednesday: Kiribati Br Kaake Joane MSC story: 328 hits; Facebook likes and loves, 17 and 2 shares.

           Thursday: Article on atheists and god-cancellers: 151 hits; Facebook likes and loves, 10, 1 comment and 1 share.

           Friday:  St Paul’s Late Vocation Seminary:  206 hits, 24 Facebook likes and loves,2comments.

           Saturday-Sunday: Golden Jubilee of Prieshood:  170 hits, 16 Facebook likes and loves,


Actually, these statistics are higher than in the average week. But, we continue to hope that we attract more visitors – from our parishes, from our college staffs, from MSC relatives and friends.

And a word of thanks to those who send in stories or send in alerts, especially from Vietnam and from Malcolm Fyfe and Darwin. Thanks to the support from the Kew Community.