Friday, 30 July 2021 22:25

Covid 19 situation in Vietnam worsens.

Covid 19 situation in Vietnam worsens.  Peter Hendriks MSC, News Update, story and photos from MSC Vietnam

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  • Our MSC confreres in Vietnam are responding, with an inspiring MSC spirit, to the worsening Covid crisis in their country. Vu msc refers to the virus as a roaring lion.
    • They are just entering a martial law curfew for the next 14 days from 6pm to 6am. They have up to nearly 80,000 cases.
    • Many people are poor, homeless and hungry and the hospitals are overloaded with numerous temporary hospitals being built


    • Our MSC Communities are giving of their own rice and vegetables to share with the very hungry and needy and obtaining travel permits to distribute this produce, as well as source more from wherever they can.
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    • Minh msc is in charge of this ministry and Chung msc writes that this activity “keeps our heart burning for our mission of spreading love of God for others”.
    • The Final Vows of a number of our men in Vietnam will unfortunately have to be postponed.


Thank you to all our Vietnamese msc brothers in Vietnam, Philippines and Australia for spreading the compassionate love of God by how you live your lives, wherever you are.  

To sign off with a traditional Vietnamese farewell – Go Thiên nga.