MSC Vietnam, Renewal of Vows, Feast of the Sacred Heart
Quang MSC writes: Coronavirus-19 came back again, and has been outbreaking in Vietnam since April, 27 at Yen Bai province (Northern Area). Ho Chi Minh City had a first case on May, 5, and until now the situation is still quite serious. There are so many districts and wards in lockdown. We’ve not been being allowed to gather more than 10 persons. Therefore, our brothers can’t gather as one big group for any celebration. We’ve been observing it this rule from the government strictly for the safe of ourselves and others. This bad situation affected our activities and life very much.
In this week, June, 8, we had celebration of renewal of vows in Le Van Sy house with the presence of: 5 brothers in that house; two of them, Vũ Thanh Nguyen and Thanh Van Nguyen, were candidates for renewal of vows; Deacon Chung, and I, myself as director of formation who was delegated by Superior General to accept this religious profession (Const.#69). Deacon Chung gave a beautiful homily. In his homily, Chung focused on what is the meaning of renewal of vows? What are differences among first, renewal and perpetual profession? And finally, he based on number 34-37 in Constitutions and Statutes to talk about the nature of vows.
Although having very few members in this celebration, but the spirit and atmosphere of it were so solemn, spirited and meaningful. It was followed by agape meal.
We also had another celebration, the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, on June, 11. Because we couldn’t gather as a big group of the community, so there were two masses and followed by two little big meals in two houses.
Celebration in Le Van Sy house
Celebration in Banh Van Tran house
Thank God for allowing us to have these important celebrations. May God bless us and bless all our activities in coming months.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved