Downlands College Past Student, 1937, Frank Calcino, turns 100.

Vince Carroll MSC has written:
One of our Past Students, Frank Calcino, from out near Charleville, a place called Summeriva, celebrated his 100th birthday soon, 21st May. He came to Downlands only for one year as a 16 year old in 1937, and was in Primary School. He took out Life Membership of the Past Students Union and has been a member ever since. What can you give a 100 year old person? We sent him a card and a certificate with his picture on it, signed by the Principal and myself. I have never heard of a 100 year old Past student before!

Of course 1937 was before I was born! These were the staff then - all now dead-
Priests: Harold Asprey ( 2nd Rector '33-7;), George Butler (Vice-Rector), Jim Mc Manus (Bursar), George Cody, John (Pere) Durkin, Vin Dwyer (future Rector- 5th - '49-55), Harry Reid, Harry Ether, Ally English, Peter Dignam, George Doody, John O'Loughlin (Director of studies and future Bishop), Nobby Earl,
Brothers: Alphonse Parrott, Pat (Ryan), Joseph (Hugh Fraser), Anthony (Purcell), Thomas Dray, Andrew (Greenfield), Robert Howly, Kevin Gilmore, George Herron, Bernard Lyons. (These last 3 brothers left the MSC). Two lay masters assisted: L.G. Mahoney and J. B. Campbell (a senior who had been co-opted to become a teacher).
Frank Calcino is in the top photo from the 1937 magazine, the Primary First Fifteen. Frank is third row back, extreme left

This was the year of the Opening of the new ('36) Wing - called now Doyle wing: the second to be built. Then it was called Asprey Wing. The Apostolic delegate (His Excellency the M.R. Archbishop Panico) visited. Thousands of people thronged to the Corpus Christi procession held in the grounds: Nobby Early was the preacher. In Preparation for the looming war Capt Campbell- Byrnes took Phys Ed every morning. These were the Foundational days of the College, our 7th Year.