Heart of Life Centre, at our new location, Kildara, Malvern.
Our courses began this month at the new location for the Heart of Life Centre. We are leasing from the Brigidine Sisters for the next five years at their centre, Kildara, Malvern, adjacent to St Joseph’s parish church, a Vincentian parish.
Real life and Zoom lectures
Here are some photos of the interiors, much more spacious than at previous locations, conference rooms, common room, library, rooms available for offices and for spiritual direction.
Seminar rooms
The second week had a covid hiccup when Victoria went quickly into 5 days of strict lockdown. However, the outbreak has been contained and there have been almost no local infections since. We had to go to Zoom. However, last Monday back to normal.
Staff area
Our numbers are much higher than in recent years, 9 in the fulltime Siloam, Spiritual Direction program (including 2 MSC, Tru and Danh, who spent 2020 on Bathurst Island), 11 in the part-time Siloam program (including Khoi MSC). Several of the part-timers are on-line (from Sydney, Broken Bay, Adelaide).
Meeting area
In recent years there have been several priests from Asia. With covid, we have no international students (we were to have two MSC from Indonesia and one from the Philippines – next year, we hope). This has meant a considerable increase of applications from Australia.