Thursday, 25 February 2021 22:40

February 26th, Profession Anniversary Day.

February 26th, Profession Anniversary Day.


Up until 1966, the traditional day for religious profession was February 26th (with a mid-year date for Brothers’ professions, August 5th).

The change, with more flexibility came in 1966, February, the day Australia changed to decimal currency. Bob Irwin and Roy O’Neill recently celebrated this 55th anniversary of profession. 

Today we acknowledge:


75 Years Professed:

  • Bernard McGrane


  • Albert Yelds

albert yelds 2

Bernie and Albert are at St Joseph’s.

65 Years Professed:

  • Paul Brennan

Douglas Park community

  • Albert Chan

Chinese ministry, Brisbane

  • Bede North

Kensington community

  • Tony Young

Eastern Papua, convalescing in Melbourne

60 Years Professed:

  • Frank Andersen

Frank Andersen 2

Melbourne Community, Mont Albert

  • Reg Pritchard

Reg Pritchard 2

Douglas Park community