Friday, 18 October 2024 23:17

Some Significant October Days for the Chevalier Family. 2024

Some Significant October Days for the Chevalier Family. 2024

Many of the significant October days are part of the life of Jules Chevalier, not only the anniversary of his death, October 21st but other days: his vision of the role of the laity in the MSC, his resignation, his anointing.

jules start

1 October, 1905
The MSC Generalate transfers from Belgium to Rome, Piazza Navona, the site of the first MSC house in Rome. No longer the Generalate, but the Church and Shrine of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Piazza Navona, continues to draw pilgrims from all over the world and continues to be served by the MSC today.

p navona

2 October, 1901
The MSC Generalate, expelled from France, is established at Remy-lez-Chimay in Belgium.

3 October, 1901
Father Founder resigns as Superior General. French MSC, Father Arthur Lanctin succeeds him as General (1901-1905). Father Lanctin is also buried in the Crypt in Issoudun.

3 October, 1918
Death of Father Emile Maugenest, O.P., co-founder of the MSC Society. Maugenest had been compelled to leave Issoudun and the MSC's in 1857 in obedience to the Cardinal Dupont, Archbishop of Bourges who appointed him as Archpriest of Bourges Cathedral. He later entered the Dominicans, but remained on good terms with the MSC and was at Father Chevalier's side in 1904 for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the MSC Society.

3 October, 1959

First two PNG women into the MSC Sisters’ novitiate in Melbourne.

4 October, 1904
The old Third Order becomes "The Society of Souls Consecrated to the Cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus", a title suggested by Rome. Chevalier had envisioned this branch, not so much as a work of the MSC's, but as an extension of it into the laity. However, this original vision was lost when the MSC General Chapters of 1905 and 1907 rewrote the 1877 Constitutions. The re-written text gave the impression that the MSC Society consisted solely of religious priests and brothers.

4 October, 1936

Canonical erection of Novitiate of the MSC Sisters in Australia.

5 October, 1890

Father Coupe, appointed Vicar Apostolic of New Britain, is ordained Bishop in the MSC chapel at Borgerhout, Belgium.

5 October, 1922
Father Hubert Linckens, MSC, first Provincial Superior of Germany (1897-1910) and historical founder of the MSC Sisters, dies in Hiltrup, Germany. Linckens guided the MSC Sisters until 1911 at which time he became the first General Assistant of the MSC in Rome, and in this capacity lived in Australia from 1914-1920. Because World War I, he couldn't return to Italy and therefore stayed in Australia, during which time he helped in the up-building and promotion of the Australian MSC Province.

6 October, 1971

Erection of the Indonesian MSC Province. Father Hardjasumarta is the first Provincial

7 October, 1881

Inauguration of the Apostolic School at Tilburg.

7 October, 1975

Father Angelo Cella, MSC, Italy, appointed auxiliary of Palermo, is ordained Bishop at Palermo.

9 October, 1858

Cardinal Dupont, Archbishop of Bourges, closes the little chapel of the Sacred Heart at Issoudun because of alleged danger of collapse. It was to cease functioning within 24 hours.

9 October, 1881

Father Durin and his four companions arrive at Manila aboard the Barcelona during their epic voyage to Melanesia.

9 October, 1884

Tilburg: Father Chevalier presides at the taking of the religious habit by seven novices and leave this for Issoudun that same day.

9 October, 1907

jules anoint
Fr. Chevalier receives the Anointing of the Sick, administered by Fr. Hériault in the presence of his confreres, some FDNSC Sisters and M. Bernard de Bonneval, in whose home he was living after having been expulsed from his presbytery in January of the same year.

10 October, 1867
Inauguration of the Apostolic School at Chezal-Benoît.

10 October, 1905

The diocese of Victoria and Palmerston, Australia, called the diocese of Darwin since March 29, 1938, is entrusted to the MSC. Msgr F.X.Gsell MSC is the first Administrator.

10 October, 1926

Farewell at Hiltrup: Fathers J. Winkelmann, A. Burmeister and G. Zehetbauer leave for the new mission in China, in the province of Kweichow (now written Guizhou).

11 October, 1953
 For the first time since the death of Fr. Founder, an MSC parish priest is installed in the parish of Saint Cyr, Issoudun. The parish priest of Saint Cyr continued to be an MSC until 2010 when it was again handed over to the diocese. However, today there remains an MSC presence with Vicars Fathers Joseph Desbois (Fr) and Lazare Elenge (DRC).

11 October, 1956

Canonical erection of Novitiate of MSC Sisters in Mariental, South West Africa.

13 October, 1853

After a period of probation, Jules Chevalier is accepted by Father Lacordaire as a member of the Third Order of St Dominic.

13 October, 1946

Erection of the Brazilian MSC Province.

14 October, 1853
Father Jules Chevalier is transferred as curate from Châtillon-sur- Indre to his third parish, Aubigny-sur-Nère. The following year, on 21 October, 1854, he would go to Issoudun and remain there until his death, exactly 53 years later to the day.

14 October, 1900

Arrival at Québec of a group of French scholastics for the new community of the Rue des Carrieres.

15 October, 1906
Because of the expulsions, Father Chevalier authorizes the transfer of the FDNSC Generalate and novitiate to Thuin, Belgium.

15 October, 1928

Arrival of the first three FDNSC from the Netherlands in Dutch New Guinea (Irian Jaya).

16 October, 1941

The Prefecture of Purwerleto, Indonesia, becomes a Vicariate.

16 October, 1978

First JIPPA Meeting, i.e. MSC Formators from Japan, Indonesia, PNG, Philippines and Australia. The meeting took place in Baggio City, Philippines, from October 16-22. In 1983 the name was changed to JIPPAC; in 1986 to JIPPACK, in 1989 to APIA: Asia, Pacific Islands, Australasia. The Provincial and Regional Superiors of the area meet as well.

17 October, 1872
Consecration of France to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.

17 October, 1884
Departure of the first five FDNSC from Issoudun to the mission of Melanesia.

17 October, 1885

Profession of Hendrick Adan and Rientz Bosma, the first two Dutch Brothers.

17 October, 1901


Closing of the Basilica at Issoudun.

17 October, 1907

On the feast of Blessed Margaret Mary, Father Chevalier is able to receive Holy Communion for the last time.

17 October, 1937

National Shrine of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart blessed and opened at Randwick by Archbishop Kelly.

17 October, 1967

Beginning of the MSC Mission in Colombia (Santa Margarita parish), entrusted to the USA Province.

18 October, 1908

The first group of MSC leaves the Netherlands for the Philippine Islands.

18 October, 1970

Father German Schmitz, Peruvian MSC, appointed auxiliary of Lima, ordained Bishop at Lima.

19 October, 1901

The Justice of the Peace and two assessors arrive at the convent of the FDNSC at Issoudun to seal the house. But, Mother Marie-Louise Hartzer had already complied with the law asking for government recognition and thus prevented the seizure.

20 October, 1897

Father F.X. Gsell, MSC, future Bishop of Darwin, arrives at Sydney for the first time.

21 October, 1854.

Jules Chevalier arrives at Issoudun as curate. He remains there till his death, to the day.

21 October, 1907

Fr Chevalier v4 Copy
Death of Father Chevalier, founder of the MSC, the FDNSC and spiritual founder of the MSC Sisters. He is buried in the Crypt in the Basilica on the 24 October, 1907.

21 October, 1961

Installation of the FDNSC Generalate in Rome.

22 October, 1924

Father Leo Bourjade MSC, World War I air ace, dies at Yule Island.

22 October, 1924

The International Scholasticate in Rome is opened again in Via Torino with Father L. Koppert, Netherlands, as its director. He remained in office till he died in 1950.

23 October, 1897

Brother W. Geerts is unanimously accepted for perpetual vows, “being recommended for his outstanding gifts.” Father Geert became later one of the spiritual founders of the Dutch Province.

23 October, 1935

Spain becomes a Quasi-Province of the MSC.

24 October, 1884

Fathers Navarre and F. Hartzer and Brother de Santis land on Thursday Island, as instructed by Rome.

24 October, 1907

Burial of Father Jules Chevalier in the Basilica of Issoudun. The Basilica was reopened just a few days before his death.

24 October, 1976.

Brother Guilio Marangon, Italy, is the first MSC to be ordained permanent Deacon.

25 October, 1880

Father V. Casas MSC is appointed by Father Chevalier for Barcelona. He arrived there on October 29 and became the founder of the Spanish Province and the apostle of OLSH.

26 October, 1893

The MSC General Council grants Father Bontemps three Fathers, three Scholastics and six Brothers for his mission in the Gilbert islands (Kiribati).

letters kiri

Correspondence by the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart congregation of Catholic mission Sisters to the mother house in Issoudun, France and Thuin, Belgium, 1895–1944

27 October, 1913
Monsignor Couppé founds the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (the FMI Sisters) the first local Congregation of Sisters founded in PNG.Their formation is entrusted to the FDNSC Sisters.

28 October, 1957


Father Alfred Stemper MSC (USA) appointed Vicar Apostolic of Kavieng, PNG, ordained Bishop at Winona, US.

29 October, 1989

The first local FDNSC  sister from Irian Jaya leaves Merauke for South Africa to do pastoral work in Vandaland