Sunday, 06 October 2024 23:02

Annual MSC Education pilgrimage to Issoudun

Annual MSC Education pilgrimage to Issoudun

From Anne McAtomney, Director, Chevalier Institute.

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The group gathered on the steps of the parish church of Notre Dame in Chatillon sur Indre, where Jules Chevalier spent several months as curate ahead of his time in Issoudun. 

Over the past seven days, staff from our schools have been on pilgrimage in Issoudun, such as takes place annually. This year, there have been 13 pilgrims, accompanied by three facilitators – Alison McKenzie, Cheryl Hamill ( AP- Mission, Daramalan College) and myself. 

As for each year, the time together in Issoudun has been a joyful and fruitful experience for all, including facilitators. We have been warmly welcomed by Father Raymond Lievre MSC and all in the MSC Basilica community, taking our lunch with them each day.

Cheryl and Alison in one of the Basilica seminar rooms, preparing baguette sandwiches ahead of pilgrims’ arrival in Issoudun;


the group in Richelieu, birthplace of Jules Chevalier;


the group gathered in the gardens following a tour of  Bourges Cathedral, where Jules Chevalier was ordained.


Of particular significance during this year’s pilgrimage has been a visit and tour of the house in which Jules Chevalier spent his final months ahead of his death in 1907, the house now being owned by a parishioner and close friend of the MSC community in Issoudun.