July 27, 2019 Quezon City, Philippines The MSC Australian Province, together with the MSC Philippine Province, celebrated the Ordination of our two Vietnamese confreres:
Doan Nguyen Thanh Danh as Priest
and Tran Minh Chung as Deacon.
Echoing Pope Francis, the Most Rev. Narciso V. Abellana, MSC, D.D., in his homily, reminded the ordinands about two most important things for them to be genuine shepherds: to have the smell of their sheep by being one with them in their joys and struggles and to have the heart of the Good Shepherd.
Blessed and embraced by the Australian Province
We thank God for the gift of vocation to our dear brothers, for their commitment as MSCs, and for the generosity of their parents.
And community
And family
Let us continue praying for more priestly and religious vocations to the Church, especially to the Chevalier Family.
With thanks to the photographers.