After acknowledging Barry Brundell at 80 last Friday, we have a second candidate at 80, Peter Malone MSC
Peter Malone came from Sydney, educated at OLSH, Bowral, and five years at Chevalier College. He made his first profession on 26 February 1958, studies at Sacred Heart Monastery, Croydon, Sacred Heart Monastery, Canberra, as well as Arts units at the Australian National University. His theology studies were at the Gregorian University in Rome where he was ordained in the student house chapel, April 3 1965 (by the secretary general of Vatican II, Pericle Felici – An image of orthodoxy!)
He taught at Daramalan College, Canberra, moving to teach Old Testament and theology at the Canberra monastery, then pre-Novitiate director at Croydon monastery for ten years, the 1970s, teaching at the newly-established Yarra Theological Union as well as at the National Pastoral Institute and the Heart of Life Centre where he is still involved in teaching.
Frequent question: Twins? Frequent answer: Actually not!
During the 1990s, he headed the OCIC (International Catholic Organisation for Cinema) in Australia and the Pacific and in 1998 was elected the world President. When OCIC merged with the international television organisation, Unda, in 2001, he became the first president of SIGNIS (World Catholic Association for Communication). He has been reviewing films since 1968 and has published some books on cinema and religion. He was also the editor of the MSC theology periodical, Compass Theology Review for 27 years, 1972-1998. He edits this site.
He lives in the MSC Melbourne community, at Kew, where his brother, Philip, is the Community Leader.