Professions in Vietnam, Feast of the Assumption, 21st Anniversary of the Foundation.
The text available was in Vietnamese and we used the Translation icon. Not the best so a lot of editing (and the hope that the translation rendered Vietnamese names correctly)
Together in the joy of the celebration of the Assumption (the translation read: Our Lady of the Dead Body), the Sai Thanh Tam community (MSC) in Vietnam conducted the ceremony of the profession for the students of Phero Nguyen Quoc Khanh and the ritual of renewal for Francisico Xavier Vu Quoc Vuong, MSC and Giuse Nguyen Lê.
Opening the mass, Father Giuse Nguyen Huy Hoang, MSC on the MSC Vietnam congregation invited the congregation to give thanks to God with the congregation on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the MSC congregation in Vietnam.
Preaching during the mass, Fr Kimi Vunivesilevu, MSC representing the Australian Province invited the congregation to dare to follow the example of Mary, listen and implement God's plan in the life of each and everyone and he also invited the congregation to see the spirit of God at work in his brothers and sisters.
After the sermon, the ritual began with introduction, interrogation and free answers of the students about their desire to give themselves to God. Later, in the presence of God's congregation, Father Kimi, MSC received the vows. Next he gave the badge and constitutions to the students to help the new students discover and do God's will in the lifestyle of the Holy Spirit.