Thursday, 22 August 2024 21:57

Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, 150 years, Catholic Diocese of Darwin

Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, 150 years, Catholic Diocese of Darwin.


olsh 150 darwin plaque CopyThis coming week is preparation for the celebration of OLSH 150 years. A taster in anticipation – the diocese of Darwin celebrated earlier in August.


Bishop Charles Gauci of Darwin:

Today, we are thankful for the 116 years of OLSH sisters in the great mission here in the Northern Territory.

olsh 150 mass

They have served in our schools, our clinics, in our parishes and so many, many other ways.

Great heroic ladies who at great expense to themselves, gave of themselves to so many over so long, 150 years since the foundation of the congregation and 116 years here in our diocese.

olsh 150 darwin cake

With retired Bishop Eugene Hurley

Thank you so much and God bless you all.


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