Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:50

Wolvercote Tongue, The


UK, 1987, 100 minutes, Colour.
John Thaw, Kevin Whately, Simon Callow, Kenneth Cranham, Roberta Taylor.
Directed by Alastair Reid.

This is a very early entry in the Inspector Morse films, thirty-three in all. It was part of the establishing of the character of Morse, played by John thaw, a loner, crusty, fond of his music, fond of his ale, establishing a relationship with Lewis, Kevin Whately, as his assistant, impatient with him, amazed at his ignorance of literature and music.

This is a double mystery, associated with American tourists, a famous jewel which goes missing, and the death of the owner. In fact, this something of a red herring, because the main mystery belongs to guide at Oxford and his jealousy of his wife and an affair she was conducting.

One advantage of the film is the performance by Simon Callow as a pompous husband and Kenneth Cranham as the obsessed guide.

1. The popularity of the long-running series? Television movies? With style? The popularity of Morse and his personality, enigmatic and mannered style? The personality of Lewis? Their relationship? The solving of the crimes? Intricacy of the plot? The psychological dimensions, the mystery and clues? Police work and solving the mysteries with their own abilities? The work of Colin Dexter?

2. The Oxford settings, the city and landscapes, the cityscapes, the buildings? Comments about Oxford and Oxford society? The ironies about Oxford and the dons? The university city? Ordinary people? Their interconnections? So much beauty – and so much crime?

3. The quality of the mysteries, character-driven? Sufficient information, sufficient clues? The exploration of character and clues?

4. John Thaw as Morse, his personality, the changes over the years, yet remaining the same? The mystery of his name? His crusty manner, the bachelor (but romantic at times)? His own authority – exercised over Lewis – and his reaction to authorities? Promotion or not? The changing of his attitudes towards Lewis, bossing him, patronising him about education and culture? The issue of music? Drinking ale? His car? Quietly at home, at work? With Lewis, understanding the situations and characters, the deductions? His being a good listener – but critical?

5. The contrast with Lewis, the family man, the ordinary policeman, education and lack of education, his being put down by Morse – but enjoying his comeuppance now and again? Music and his ignorance? The first reactions, Lewis being patient? His admiration for Morse, having to do so much leg work, to formulate hypotheses? Working under pressure? Collaborator and partner of Morse?

6. The police authorities in Oxford? The medical examiners – and Morse and his attitude towards the female authorities? Sexist and patronising? Changing?

7. The quality of the film as a crime thriller, a thriller with intelligence and demands on the audience?

8. The introduction to the crime, the credits, the background in Oxford, beyond?

9. The range of personalities, motives? Truth and concealment? Jealousies? Deceits and angers? The academic and religious backgrounds?

10. The double mystery? The death of the American tourist? The death of the academic?

11. The American tourists, Miss Williams as guide, her exasperation with the group, with Mrs Roscoe? Mrs Roscoe and her complaints, and answering the tourist questions for Mr Downes, planning a letter of complaint, the others not signing, her husband leaving her? Settling in at the hotel? The walks of the afternoon? The discovery of Mrs Poindexter and her death? Her husband and concern? His disappearance? The dinner, the lecture, the walking tour, the information about the Reformation and Oxford?

12. Mrs Poindexter, wanting to donate the Wolvercote Tongue? Her financial arrangements? Her husband? His failed business? Touring with his wife? Her heart attack? Considered murder? Mr Poindexter, meeting with the woman, seen in the train, return to Oxford, the reconciliation with his daughter? Throwing the Tongue in the river? His telling the story? The solution to the mystery?

13. Professor Croft, dapper, the relationship with Miss Williams, calling it off? His injured wife? Tending her? His relationship with Mrs Downes? The discovery of his body? Naked? The speculation?

14. Mr Downes, his work in Oxford, the relationship with Prof Croft, his giving the lectures, getting his notes, the tour of the town, his not being himself? Miss Williams telling him about the murder? His being on the station at 5 o’clock? The encounter with Morse and Lewis? Their visit to Mrs Downes, her talk about the curtains, the suitcase?

15. Mrs Downes, in London, the Lost and Found centre, putting in the case, the tag? Phoning her husband? His killing her? Returning on the train? Being questioned by Morse, the tag, the times, his confession? His hatred of Croft? Not being able to love his wife, killing her?

16. Morse and Lewis, the hard work, Lewis continually tired? The interviews? Going to Miss Williams, comforting her, her story? Her relationship with Croft? Going to see Mrs Downes, her cheery story? Lewis and the talk about the curtains?

17. The doctor with Mrs Poindexter, going to the dinner, his abrupt treatment from Morse?

18. The coroner, the examinations, his not giving an opinion, his taunts at Morse knowing everything, giving information?

19. The case over 24 hours or more, the investigation, the solution? The Tongue found?

20. One of the earliest of the Inspector Morse series?

More in this category: « Men in Black 3 Willard/ 2003 »