US, 2003, 98 minutes, Colour.
Crispin Glover, Laura Elena Harring, R.Lee Ermey, Jackie Burroughs.
Directed by Glenn Morgan.
Willard is not exactly a remake of the 1970s film with Bruce Davison and his friendship with a rat called Ben. This film had a sequel, Ben, made famous by the theme song sung by the Jackson five, and especially the solo by Michael Jackson. This film is something of a sequel, the Willard of the title is the son of Bruce Davison, whose pictures are seeking throughout this film.
Crispin Glover gives a tortured performance as Willard, tried to work in an office under their boss who was his father’s friend and bought him out, R.Lee Ermey, at at home with his semi-demented mother, Jackie Burroughs.And there are a lot of rats in the house.
Willard befriends a white rat called Socrates and forms a strong friendship with him. In the meantime, it is still there as a malevolent presence.
When the sympathetic office worker brings him a cat, there is mayhem in the house as the rat skates chase the cats – to the singing of Michael Jackson and Ben!
Needless to say, the boss is destroyed by the rats, the rats overwhelmed Willard and is taken off to a mental institution.
Director and writers, Glenn Morgan and James Hong, were responsible for some of the Final Destination movies.
1. The original Willard, and Ben? Films of the 1970s? Animal terror? Rats?
2. This film not as a remake but as a sequel? The continuity with Willard and his father, with Ben?
3. The locations, the interiors of the house, dark, older, the basement, with large room, the rats? The contrast with the modern office, desks, Mr Martin’s office? The rooms in the building, the lifts, the barriers?
4. The musical score, the song, Ben, and Michael Jackson singing it? From the original film, Ben? Sung during the sequence with the cat and the rats? The final credits? This focus on Ben?
5. Willard as a character, Crispin Glover and his screen presence, eerie, crazy, the memories of his father, the photos of Bruce Davison? Talking about him and the company? His mother, her presence in the house, treatment of Willard, the clash, care for her, her complaints, her death? The issue of debts, the ownership of the house? Willard with his job, but ineffectual?
6. At home, the rats, the white rat, Socrates and his presence, Willard treating him as a friend, his attachment? Ben, his presence, always watching, looking down on Willard? The jealousies?
7. At the office, Cathryn, nice? Mr Martin and his shouting, his having bought the company, wanting the house, the arguments with Willard, firing him? Willard, the advice of the lawyer, his situation? His returning to Martin, Martin watching the pornography, Willard setting the rats on him, Martin bashing Socrates? Martin being trapped, his death?
8. Cathryn, her friendship, at the office, his desk? The gift of the cat? The rats and the cat and the destruction? Her return, wanting to help, looking in the window, discovering the truth?
9. Ben, a malicious rat, Willard shutting the entrance, his breaking through it? The rat traps? Socrates and Martin bashing him? The motives?
10. Willard in the house, the growing number of rats, Ben watching?
11. The officials outside, looking in the window, their shock?
12. Willard, in the asylum, alone, his meal, the comments of the guard?
13. An interesting interpretation of a 70s story in the 21st century?