US, 1986, 95 minutes, Colour.
Elizabeth Taylor, Robert Wagner, Chad Lowe, Ken Olin, James Coco, William Windom, Dick O'Neill.
Directed by Joseph Sargent.
There Must be A Pony is based on a novel by Janice Kirkwood, which was adapted for a play and has now been adapted for the screen by playwright Mart Crowley (Boys in the Band). It is a film about a star and is a star vehicle for Elizabeth T aylor. Audiences will have no difficulty in interpreting her portrayal of Marguerite Sydney as something of a portrayal of her own cocomplicated life. This gives the film a strong interest, a touch of purient curiosity.
Robert Wagner acted as executive prorlucer and has a good role as a charming gambler. It works well with Elizabeth Taylor. The film is also a good vehicle for Chad Lowe who appears as Margurette's sensitive son. A strong supporting cast includes James Coco as Marguerite's friend. Dick O'Neill is the police inspector. There is also a guest appearance by Mickey Rooney, appearing with Elizabetb Taylor for the first time since National Velvet 40 years earlier. The film is often thoughtful, often witty, showing the portrait of a star, her love for an audience and the entertainment business, tantrums, the savage need to be at the top with, its psychological consequences and its influences on love and
relationships. The film is directed by Joseph Sargent, veteran of many movies and telemovies.
1. Interesting character study? Hollywood and the movie industry? The consequences of stardom? The cost for human relationships?
2. The atmosphere of Los Angeles, the city, zones, the beach? The studios? The musical score?
3. The dialogue? wit, insight? the touch of Hollywood bitchiness?
4. The title and the explanation coming so late in the film in Ben's letter, the optimist and the pessimist and the search for the pony? As an interpretation of the lives of each of the central characters?
5. The film as a portrait of Marguerite? The background of Elizabeth Taylor's life and career? The quality of her performance and empathy with the character? Her looking so glamorous in this film? The backyround of her career (and the glimpses of Elizabeth Taylor's early films)? Her rise to the top, 81 films? The cost in terms of marriage and divorce? The affect of breakdown? Her arrival, glamour? The question of her maturity? an immature child? Being greeted by Josh, the love between the two, the strained relationship? David and his talk about studios and performances? Her return to the hone, lack of money? The clash with David and pulling the gun on him? The relationship with Josh, his telling the truth, her not wanting to hear it? Her friendship with Mervin and his advice, consolation? The races, meeting Ben, being charmed, the bets? rhe beginning of the relationship with him? Tenderness, the restaurant, her fear of being hurt, love? His presence in the home? Support for her, his drinking, criticism? The background of his deals, the buying of the house? His relationship with Josh? the audition, her tantrums, reading for the part? Performance, the clash with the director? The lawyers and the discussions about the reconciliation? Her need for an audience and performance? Her demands on Ben? Her fears, the interrogation by the police and her haughty manner? The being on her own again? Josh visiting her in hospital? His giving her the note? Some sense of reconciliation? Her genuine love for Ben? Possibilities for her life, her career?
6. Josh, his age, sensitivity? His relationship with his mother, the airport, exasperation, money? Her seeing him as a little old man? Concern? His own friends? His mother worried whether he was gay and yet her love for him? The bond with Ben, embracing him, being good at touch? His listening in to his mother's behaviour, concern? The possibility of the audition and her forbidding it? His own life, his friendship, the farewell? Grief at the death, picking up the gun? The questioning? his being hurt by his mother not ringing? His saving the money, telling the secret place to Ben, realizing where the suicide note was? Going to see his mother? The importance of Ben's farewell note and the story about the pony?
7. Ben, charming but erratic, at the track, the relationship with Marguerite, the restaurant, at home, staying at the house, love, drinking, sense of failure? The money deals, the buying of the house? The final figh, drinking, the farewell to Josh? His true story, his at the funeral and Marguerite's reaction? His lies and sense of failure? The importance of the notes to Marguerite and especially to Josh?
8. Mervin, his style, manner, friendship, support of Marguerite? The lawyer and his smooth manner of getting over dificulties?
9. The world of film and television? Jay and his friendship, getting Marguerite the part? The world of Television producers and directors? Performance? The director and his anger at Marguerite, her tantrum and? behaviour towards him?
10. The police investigation, the severity with Marguerite, suspicions? Was Josh suspicious? The effect? of the suicide and the interrogation of Marguerite?
11. Portrait of people? American way of life? The background of the film industry? Portrait of human nature?