US, 1976, 90 minutes, Colour.
Dennis Hopper, Taryn Power, Dean Stockwell, Zack Norman, Michael Emil.
Directed by Henry Jaglom.
Tracks is written and directed by idiosycratic film maker, Henry Jaglom. His first feature was A Safe Place. Other films include Sitting Ducks, Can She Bake a Cherry Pie, Always. Jaglom has a particular viewpoint on the world, American society, relationships? He highlights the eccentric? He also allows his cast to improvise ? which can be creative or, on the other hand, can seem quite strained. Jaglom's films are an
acquired taste.
This film was made in the mid 70s, a reaction to the Vietnam experience and the conclusion of the war. Seen in the retrospect of many films which were made later, it seems more adventurous. However, the range of films from the Deerhunter, Apocolyse Now, Coming Home to Platoon, Full Metal Jacket and Born on the 4th of July, it can suffer by comparison. However, it highlights the paranoia of the war period, the victimisation of the Americans who fought there and the consequences for American society. Dennis Hopper is at home as the central character, a soldier accompanying a coffin across America by train. The supporting cast includes Dean Stockwell, and a number of actor and actress who were to emerge in films later.
Very much a film of its time. However, it highlights American perception of the Vietnam war.
1. The impact of the film? interest, entertainment? Henry Jaglom's perspective, his style?
2. The film of the mid-70s? American society? Nixon's opening words? The experience of the war, the defeat, the fall of Saigon? The response of the 70s? Seen in later perspective?
3. The title, the train journey? Interiors on the train? Exterior locations The parrallel with the train movies?
4. The real and unreal world? Dream and nightmare? Symbolic statements, actions? The improvised and spontaneous style? The range of music, the popular songs on Jack's radio?
5. The Vietnam war, the films attitude towards the war itself, American involvement, the Vienamese? The American government, Nixon? 1973 and peace? The individuals who fought, died? The consequent madness? Honour? The authorities and society?
6. Dennis Hopper's portrait of Jack: on the train, accompanying the coffin, his statement of his task? His continued listening to the music? His background, childhood, personality? His place in the military? His experience in Vietnam? the meeting with Mark, sharing ideas with him? The club car and the talk there, his reaction? His encounters with Gene and Emile? Whether they were there or not? The patter of people talking? The girls in the club car, Stephanie at the bar, talking to her, her refusing to go to his cabin, later changing her mind? Relating to her, sexuality, the clashes? Her leaving? With the nymphomaniac train traveller? His talk with her about his childhood? What was real and what imagined? Taking off his uniform, running naked through the train? Mark coming to his cabin, his asking to be saved, the attack and his being beaten? The hallucination with the gun? Outside the train with Stephanie, lyrical countryside? Gene and his talk about real estate, his being a government agent? The waiters in the going to the cemetery, alone, going into the co with the weapons in the coffin? His future? Real/symbolic character?
7. The meaning of the ending, Jack alone with the coffin, nobody, the gear in the coffin, his violent emmergence?
8. Chloe and Stephanie, their friendship, Stephanie at the bar, the meal, with Mark? In the cabin, their talk? Stephanie's clash with Jack? Outside, leaving? Abandoning Chloe and Chloe's sadness? Stephanie and her decisions
9. Mark, his presence on the train, easygoing, talking with Jack, the club car, the meal? Coming into Jack's cabin, being asked to knock? at the town, no one to meet him? His worries, his bursting in, pleading with Jack to save him, his being taken by the agents, the violence and the shooting?
10. Gene, playing chess with Emile, talking about land values, government agent? Emile and his presence, absence, genial, chess, sex?
11. The woman, nymphomaniac, having her meal, relating with the men, sex with the guard, with Jack?
12. The people in the club car, American talk, attitudes, cross section of people? Black and white?
13. A film of the war, its impact on Americans? Confusion and trauma? Future?