France/Italy/Spain/UK, 1971, 96 minutes, Colour.
Brigitte Bardot, Claudia Cardinale, Michael J. Pollard, Micheline Presle.
Directed by Christian- Jaque.
The Legend of Frenchie King has big names and popular figures - BB and CC (Brigitte Bardot and Claudia Cardinale) - intended to draw crowds. While the ladies are very much in evidence, the film itself is rather so-so. It's the French making what they consider a Western, and there is quite an amount of action. But they have decided to play it for laughs as well and, while there are some amusing satirical send-ups of Western styles (also involving Michael J. Pollard as the unlikeliest sheriff), the French sense of humour as regards Westerns is quite different from our own. Quality was not a major preoccupation of the makers, but it's all harmless enough.
1. Was this a good Western? What were its good points? Its weak points?
2. How did it use usual Western convention? Robberies? Discovery of oil? Showdowns?
3. The film was obviously a farce. Was the farcical nature of the film evident? Successfully presented? Why?
4. The character of Frenchie King - did you expect her to be a woman? The way the robberies were done? The turning of her gang into ladies? Her greed? Her ambitions? Her fights? Her sending of her girls in to cheat the Sarrazins? Her assumption of the name of Doctor Miller? Did the film capitalise on Brigitte Bardot's reputation?
5. Maria: was she an attractive character? Contrasting with Frenchie King? Her bossing her brothers about? Her organisations and ambitions? Her femininity? Her attitude towards oil? Rivalry with Frenchie King? Her fight with her? Did the film exploit the personality and reputation of Claudia Cardinale?
6. Doctor Miller - as a villain? Cold blooded killing? As a common enemy for Frenchie King and Maria? His followers as the end?
7. The Sheriff - did he have any personality in the film? Was he merely a caricature? Were the Sheriffs of Westerns being satirised in him? Why?
8. The impact of the fights and then the alliance between Frenchie and Maria? (The Negro and the Indian followers and their friendship).
9. The satire of men and women - the fact that the women had the initiative? And that the men looked fools?
10. Did the film have anything valuable to offer about human nature? or is this taking a farcical Western too seriously? Why?