UK, 1973, 94 minutes, Colour.
Pamela Franklin, Roddy Mc Dowell, Clive Revill, Gayle Hunnicut, Roland Culver.
Directed by John Hough.
The Legend of Hell House is not as horrific as the ads say, nor as ludicrous as some laughing audiences indicate. This modest film goes for ESP plausibility and atmosphere before the shocks (of which there are several). More could have been made of characters and the house, although the evil and claustrophobic house becomes one of the personalities. The cast probably compensates for weaknesses in the screenplay -
Clive Revill as a scientific parapsychological researcher. Gayle Hunnicut as his repressed wife and Pamela Franklin as a psychic medium involve us in the search for the evil power, spirit, ghost or whatever. Roddy Mc Dowell, as physical medium is left with the difficulties of the ending.
1. Why does this kind of horror film appeal to modern audiences? Is it superstition? Fear? The longing for a scare?
2. How successful a horror film is this? Does it employ the cliches of horror films? or does it have a validity of it own? In which ways?
3. The implications of the word legend in the title? Is this meant to be a legend or is it meant to be true?
4. How is the house itself a character in the film? Comment on the way it is photographed - angles and colour. What atmosphere did the house have? From the outside? Its normality inside? Changing to abnormality? The atmosphere of the chapel and the secret vaults? Light and darkness?
5. How successful is the style of the film? Does this style of film appeal to modern audiences? (Note the detailed reporting of the times. and the commission that the job be done within a week.)
6. How did the initial interview with the millionaire create an atmosphere for the film? Was this a worthwhile enterprise?
7. Would audiences believe that all this is possible? Note the prologue and the statements that all this is possible? Did the film stretch credibility or could audiences accept it? (was the horror well done or would it make audiences laugh incredulously?)
8. Doctor Barrett: as a person. a scientist. as believing in science and his reversal machine? Was he too over-confident? How did he intend to solve the mystery? How did he control the exploration? How did he interact with the other characters? His relationship with his wife? Were you expecting him to die? why did he die?
9. Florence Tanner: as a person? Why was she a success in her field? Was she a genuine medium? Why was she afraid of the house? Her theories of possession? The fact that she was possessed by Belasco's son? What confidence did she have in solving the mystery? What insight did she give into the workings of a psychic medium? Why did she die? The significance of her dying in the chapel?
10. Anne Barrett: as a person? Her relationship with her husband? Her repressed nature? The effect of the house on her? Her seemingly being taken possession of and acting in uncharacteristic ways? Especially in the area of sexuality? How did she relate with the other members of the exploration? Why did she not die?
11. Ben Fischer; as a person? As someone who had survived the previous exploration? Why did he refuse to be influenced by the house? Why did he need to be influenced so that discovery could occur? His relationship with the others? Why was it he who solved the mystery? why did he survive? Did this give insight into the workings of a physical medium?
12. How horrible were the deaths and what impact did they have on the audience?
13. Comment on the photography and the visual effects - especially in particular incidents of ghostly nature.
14. Was the solution plausible? Did you understand what had happened to Belasco's ghost. and Belasco's son? Was the meaning of Belasco’s embalmment clear? Plus the fact of his obsession with his short height? How bizarre was this? What effect did it have on you?
15. Is the story in this film possible? Why? Did the film entertain? Did it scare? Did it give an understanding of extra-sensory perception and explorations of physic phenomena today?