US, 1965, 113 minutes, Black and white.
Carroll Baker, George Maharis, Joanne Dru, Peter Lawford, Viveca Lindfors, Edmond O'Brien, Aldo Ray, Ann Southern.
Directed by Gordon Douglas.
Sylvia is not a particularly good film. It is melodramatic, seems an unreal fairy tale at times and, if made five years later, might have ended up like Jerry Paris's sensation-seeking "The Grasshopper". As it is it tells an interesting enough yarn, with enough human interest to involve most audiences. one of the major drawbacks of the film is Carrol Baker's performance. She looks and sounds too hard, she is always more convincing as a slum girl or a prostitute than as a lady, let alone a sensitive poet. Again, many of the supporting cameos are very well acted by veteran stars who can make a lot out of corny scripts. It is a bit disconcerting to find Viveca Lindfors as a librarian, idolising the girl Sylvia, and remembering her first words, 'I want a book', and then hear Carrol Baker say with off-hand, deep tones 'I wanna book'. Director Gordon Douglas has made many average crime or adventure dramas - Lady in Cement, They Call Me Mister Tibbs and the like. His direction here is very ordinary. Nevertheless, the film raises some issues, might be entertaining enough if watched on television.
1. Was this story credible or was there something of a fairy-tale about it?
2. What kind of person was Sylvia? Did the film enable you to understand the real person she was? Why the jigsaw emblem during the credits?
3. Did Carrol Baker's performance help or hinder the presentation of Sylvia - what about her first appearance at the library? Her being a poet?
4. What right does a prospective bridegroom have to know the details of his bride's life?
5. what right has a private investigator to pry into the details of a person's life and make a report on them?
6. What did each of the persons questioned contribute to your understanding of Sylvia - the librarian and Sylvia's love for books and beauty; - the brutality of the stepfather; - the Mexican priest and Sylvials prostitution - the businessman; - "Juicy" Argona and Sylvia's respectability; - Mrs. Phillips and Sylvia's loyalty and generosity.
7. Were the details of Splvia's career treated in too sensational a fashion (too much for one life?) - step-father's rape, prostitution, pick-up, call-girl for generosity purposes, Diamond Lil's?
8. If Sylvia was so sensitive, bookish etc. why did she not get out earlier? Was money her only need?
9. Why did Alan Macklin need to meet Sylvia before making his report?
10. Was his fallingin love with her credibly presented? Should he have made his position clear right from the start?
11. Do you think the film meant you to wonder what might happen after it finished?