US, 1976, 114 minutes, Colour.
Alan Arkin, Vanessa Redgrave, Robert Duvall, Nicol Williamson, Laurence Olivier, Joel Grey, Jeremy Kemp, Anna Quayle, Samantha Eggar.
Directed by Herbert Ross.
The Seven Per-cent Solution is based on an ingenious idea - Dr. Watson tricking Sherlock Holmes to pursue arch-enemy Moriarty to Vienna and persuading him to consult Freud about his cocaine addiction. It makes for amusing and literate entertainment, with superb period decor and atmosphere, while Freud uncovers psychological traumas explaining Holmes' profession and obsession while Holmes' detection parallels psychological investigation. Freudian dreams and symbols are fascinating; in the lighter vein there is a Marx Brother parody as an Orient Express goes East. Nicol Williamson is an unlikely Holmes but soon convinces, the versatile Robert Duval an oddly English Watson, Alan Arkin is in top form as Freud. Not perfect but a delight for Holmes fans. However, Billy Wilders The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes is a superior similar kind of film.
1. The quality of entertainment? Use of literary and real figures for humour, drama, adventure? For what audience was the film made?
2. Comment on the technical aspects of the film: the re-creation of the atmosphere of the 19th century, London, Vienna? Homes, rooms and furnishing, e.g. Freud's room, tennis courts, the Viennese brothel, the hall for the horses? The world of medicine? Colour, costumes? The use of the railway?
3. Colour, music, costumes, sets?
4. The tone of the credits', the use of the drawings?
5. How well would devotees of Sherlock Holmes enjoy the film? The references to Conan Doyle's stories? The delineation of Holmes' character? The visual presentation? The mystery of Holmes' drug addiction, disappearance, preoccupation with Moriarty? Involvement in a mystery?
6. How well would the film appeal to those interested in Freud? The character of Freud, his work in Vienna, family, his techniques and hypnosis and dreams, his learning from Sherlock Holmes and detection? References to his work? Terminology? The development of psychology?
7. Comment on the imaginative blending of the world of Sherlock Holmes and that of Freud? An enjoyable fantasy? Plausibility of realism?
8. The basic framework of Sherlock Holmes' mystery story with Moriarty? The story of the redhead and Holmes' involvement? Freud on methods of detection and psychology?
9. The inventive insight that Holmes and Moriarty were linked from childhood? His use of cocaine and the reasons for it? His moodiness e.g. at Watson's first visit and his welcoming him, suspicions, normality, tiredness? The nature of his obsession and his standing vigil outside Moriarty's home? The importance of the continuing flashback of the child walking on the stairs? Holmes and women? His obsession with Moriarty and the reality of Moriarty? The significance of Holmes' dreams under hypnos-is and treatment from Freud? The reference to the Sherlock Holmes stories e.g. The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Speckled Band? The Hound and the animals in his dreams and what they represented? The snake and its turning into Moriarty? The gradual realisation of the truth? The hypnosis and the fact that Holmes was not to know the final truth and explanation but the audience did? Holmes' method of detection and the methods used for probing the unconscious? How plausible for its explanation for Holmes' choice of career, his pursuit of it, his wanting justice to be done?
10. The initial world of Holmes and London? 19th century drug addiction? The personality of Watson and his support of Holmes? Watson's writings? Watson at home with his wife? Holmes' landlady and her looking after him? The atmosphere of moods in the initial visit?
11. Laurence Olivier's style as Moriarty? How surprised was the audience to find who Moriarty was? The mathemtician, the tutor, his nervous mannerism and age? His character? The discussion with Watson and the not revealing the past? Mycroft Holmes and his similarity to Sherlock, his explantions to Watson of why he had come? The explanation of Moriarty and tutoring the boys? Moriarty accepting the suggestion that he go to Vienna? His place in the visions? The reality revealed at the end of his role with Holme's mother?
12. The characterisation of Mycroft Holmes and his use of his brother's method?
13. The excitement of Moriarty's going to Vienna, Holmes and his taking Toby and pursuing him by coach, the train? The train trip and the encounter with the Persians and the way they were brought in later? The arrival in Vienna, the continued scent, the arrival at Freud's hone and the realisation of why he had been tricked?
14. The skill in the sequence where Holmes explains Freud to himself? The interest in their work together? The hypnosis and his attack on Watson? The collage of his treatment and the passing of time? The presence of Freud's wife and her trying to feed him and her being part of the dream with the animals? The good results? Holmes living with the Freuds, his moodiness at meals, the playing of the violin?
15. Comment on the cinematic techniques used for the dreans and the reference to the various stories?
16. Alan Arkin's skill in portraying Freud? His personality, place in Vienna, his psychology, Jewish background? The housekeeper and her place? His wife? The emphasis on the Jewish background, especially with the challenge from the baron and his insult, the tennis game and Watson's support? The duel by tennis? (And the introduction of the baron and his later use in the story)?
17. The personality of Lola, the Vanessa Redgrave style, as a character, her story and her work as an entertainer, drug addiction? The empathy with Holmes because of the drugs? The place of the baron, the Pasha? The interviews with Freud and Holmes? Her needing help, leaving the trail, Holmes and Freud to the rescue? Lola as a Conan Doyle heroine? Her being rescued and the happy ending with Holmes?
18. The baron as a character, his introduction to the story with Lola, his taking her away and her realisation of the truth? Lowenstein as the little man, leading them on, the library, the horses and the threat to their lives and Holmes saving them, the brothel and the dead nun?
19. The brothel sequence and 19th century attitudes towards sexuality, Holmes' attitude, Watsons'? Freud's deduction and arriving there first? The madam and her singing, the encounter with Holmes?
20. How enjoyable was the train sequence, the satire on the Orient Express, on the Marx Brothers and Go West and destroying the train? The pursuit, the sword duel on the top of the roof? Appropriate to this film? The final rescue?
21. The finale with Holmes and Lola and Holmes' disappearance? His health? His later career? The indications of Freud's later career and the help from Holmes?
22. A literate jest and an enjoyable treatment of reality?