US, 1951, 81 minutes, Colour.
Ricardo Montalban, Cyd Charisse, Gilbert Roland.
Directed by Hugo Fregonese.
A story of Old Mexico and California. The material is predictable very familiar from old films just like this which have, of course, shaped our expectations. Ricardo Montalban is a dashing Mexican hero and Cyd Charisse has a melodramatic role and an opportunity to dance. Gilbert Roland has been this kind of villain very often. Direction is by Hugo Fregonese, who made such amiable family westerns as Saddle Tramp and The Raid.
1. An entertaining period action melodrama of old California?
2. The conventions of the period western: hero and mysterious identity, California and the clash with Mexico, Republican ideas, self-styled emperors? Betrayals? Old Los Angeles? Fiestas, sword-fighting? Conventional material? Different?
3. Colour photography, California locations, the old Spanish look? The fiesta and the dancing? Special effects for duels and fights? The score?
4. The historical plausibility of stories of this land? Plots in Mexico and California? Ambition, Republicanism, the power of local families? The origins of Los Angeles? Pirates in the control of adventurers? Espionage, marriages, religion?
5. Don Marcos as hero? Seeing him as a pirate, his background as renegade, the hold Don Pedro had over him and the irony of the final revelation? His saving Don Jose and Manuela? The mission and his not accomplishing it? The threats to his life? His friendship with the Friar? The participation in the fiesta and the dance with Manuela? The chasing her on the horse and his injury? The confrontation with Don Pedro? The friendship with the merchant pirate? The finale and the sword fight and the revelation of his integrity? A conventional matinee hero?
6. Manuela as a vigorous heroine? The initial fight, her betrothal, fascination with Marcos, her spying on him, the dance and the choice for a partner, the marriage preparations, the revelation of the truth?
7. The supporting cast, Don Jose and his values and Republicanism, the Friar and his complicity, the woman at the house of pleasure and the betrayal by Don Pedro, Luis and his service and his being forced to do things by Don Pedro, the merchant pirate and his continually turning up?
8. Don Pedro as ambitious villain, his control, suave manner, influence in the household of Don Jose, the clash with Manuela and her fiance, the confrontation with Marcos and the fight to the end?
9. Themes of the origins of California, separation from Mexico, Republicanism? The flavour of the period and its place in the American heritage, especially the Spanish influence?