UK/US, 1957, 83 minutes, Colour.
Eartha Kitt, Sidney Poitier, Juano Hernandez, John Mc Intire, Marn Maitland, Patrick Allen, Earl Cameron.
Directed by Michael Audley.
Mark of the Hawk is a little-known film of Sidney Poitier at the time he was making Edge of the City and preparing to be in such films as The Defiant Ones. Eartha Kitt makes her debut here.
The film is set in a pre-independence African country – which makes the film interesting in retrospect to see how these countries were perceived in the 1950s. It also makes interesting viewing in the subsequent history of African countries post-independence and even into the 21st century.
Sidney Poitier portrays a young man who is zealous about independence. Eartha Kitt is his wife. John Mc Intire portrays a missionary who helps him in his struggles. The film shows colonial rebellion against British interests.
The director is Michael Audley whose only other film was the 1945 patriotic short, The All- Star Bond Rally.
1. The significance of the title and its use in the film? as a threat, illustration of racist themes?
2. How much relevance has this film now? Does it portray a period that is past? Racist problems now similar to this and requiring similar treatments? Does it portray a history of what happened and one can now see changes?
3. How good was the screenplay? In its portrayal of good and bad characters? Were the situations authentic or did they seem contrived? The quality of the dialogue and the implications of preaching a message?
4. How strong an impact for the racist problems did the film have? Would it be convincing for audiences and ask them to change? Or would it seem remote and somewhat unreal?
5. The portrayal of Obam - Sidney Poiter's personality, his role as a leader and educated, his performances in parliament, his bitterness, his relationship to his brother? His relationship with his wife and the support he gained from her? His humiliation by the whites and reactions to this? His being arrested and linked with the terrorists? His moral dilemma of whether to join them or not? The impact on his terrorist brother convincing? The wisdom gained through these sad experiences?
6. The character of Panee? Kitt's personality, as civilised and a picture of her entering Africa, her support of her husband, the importance of her song in the film?
7. The portrayal of the rebels? credible? The Hawks and the hunting of the hawks, the threats and murders, the raids and the shooting? Was the motivation for rebellion clearly portrayed in the film? The victimisation of black Africans? The contrast with the sequences with white men discussing their racist attitudes? Audience sympathy here?
8. The central character of Mr Craig, and his wife? As a religious man with Christian belief and convictions, his experience in China and other parts of the world, the impact on Obam? His role as a mediator? The sense of menace for such a good man? They are necessary - nature of his death? The fact that a mediator is to give his life for others? That good comes from the realisation of the wasted life in death? How conventional was this, conventionally portrayed?
9. The picture of Africa and the people who lived there? White and black loving the country? The plight of Africa and its racist problems? The arrogance of the whites and their style? The impetuous violence of whites contrasting with the impetuous violence of blacks? The portrayal of villages and the ordinary black Africans?
10. Is this still the pattern of emerging countries, and of African problems? Are these the solutions or are the solutions still current?