France/Spain, 1965, 119 minutes, Black and white.
Orson Welles, Jeanne Moreau, Margaret Rutherford, John Gielgud, Marina Vlady, Walter Chiari, Tony Beckley, Alan Webb, Fernando Rey, Keith Baxter.
Directed by Orson Welles.
Orson Welles had a love for Shakespeare. His many films and plays had a somewhat Shakespearean tone including his classic Citizen Kane. In the late 1940s and early 50s he made screen versions, in black and white with a small budget, of Macbeth and Othello. They still stand the test of time.
Welles always had difficulties in getting films made, with studio interference, with his own erratic ways and budgets. However, he made a number of classics including A Touch of Evil and, in the early 60s, The Trial, based on Kafka’s novel. To finance his films he appeared in a host of films ranging from A Man for All Seasons to Italian biblical epics.
Chimes at Midnight is a combination of material from Hollinshed’s Chronicles and Shakespeare’s plays, especially Henry IV Part 1 and 2. John Gielgud portrays Henry IV. Keith Baxter is his son Prince Hal, the roistering young man who spent his time in bad company but who turned against his mentor, Sir John Falstaff, and became Henry V.
Orson Welles gives himself the central role of Sir John Falstaff which he obviously enjoys. Jeanne Moreau and Margaret Rutherford represent the merry wives of Windsor.
Made in black and white, the film captures the essence of Shakespeare’s drama as well as the Falstaff comedy. It raises the issues of history, those born to lead and royalty, senses of responsibility, devil of fun figures who are irresponsible. While Falstaff is larger than life, he is also a tragic figure, especially as Prince Hal turns away from him. Orson Welles was able to capture this in what is a classic Shakespeare film.
1. The meaning of the title, as spoken by Falstaff and Shallow, the deep nostalgia about age, old age, happiness in life? How does the title echo the major themes of the film?
2. How successful a Shakespearian film was this? The Shakespearian mood, the quality of the adaptation of two plays?
3. Comment on the quality of the black and white photography, its suitability for this film, the medieval music and its importance, the location photography, the atmosphere of the Middle Ages?
4. What was the quality of the diction for the poetry? The impact of Shakespeare's poetry? The quality of the encounters between the characters, the use of close-ups? Was this a successful cinematic version of Shakespeare?
5. How well did the film communicate the political atmosphere of the film? How important was the atmosphere for the themes? The significance of the narration at the beginning and the end? The heritage of Henry IV, the death of Richard II, troubles in the English kingdom, the Mortimers, the inheritance of Henry V and his achievements? The insight into politics and monarchy?
6. How important was the fourteenth century atmosphere of the film? The court sequences, the Gothic background, thrones, crown and robes, the visualising of the inn, the pilgrims and robberies?
7. How important was the war atmosphere for the film? The war background of ordinary 1ife? War interrupting ordinary life? People’s characters being tested by war?
8. How attractive a character was Falstaff? The quality of Orson Welles performance? How was Falstaff central to the film? How much good in him was there, how much evil? How much of a Satan-tempting figure was he? How much a fool figure? What was the capacity of his character? Himself, in the group, his influence over Hal, his relationship with Mistress Quickly, his love for gold? His bawdiness, his drinking? his roistery, his cowardliness, the good influence on Hal and the bad? What judgment was made on Falstaff by the end of the film? How much did he belong to a fantasy and dream world?
9. How was Hal the centre of the film? Could audiences identify with him? His involvement with Falstaff, the roistering, the robbery, the happy life in the inn? The contrast with his real self revealed in his soliloquies, in a dream world and waking? How much did he enjoy this life? How callous was he in rejecting his relationship with his father, the success of the wars, his visiting his death bed, the crown sequence? Hal in contrast to Poins? Hal in contrast to Percy and his defeat of Percy in the war? What did Hal achieve when he became king? banishing of Falstaff`? Why? What insight into a medieval prince was given in this portrayal?
10. The insight into the character of a king through Henry IV? His historical background, his role in the kingdom, his ruthlessness with the rebels, his exiling of the Percies, his role in battles and consolidating the kingdom, his illness and weariness, disappointment with Hal, uneasiness in death, the importance of the reconciliation with Hal?
11. How important was the portrayal of the Percies and their rebellion? Their plotting and their disgust with Henry IV, their support of Mortimer? The importance of the sequences of Harry Percy ranting and raving, the sequence of his life at home, preparing for battle, the rash impulsive soldier, the comic figure, his relationship with his wife, the importance of his fighting with Hal, the surprise of his death?
12. The picture of Poins, Bardolph, and the other members of the inn group? What comment did the film make on them, as good or bad, their influence on Hal? The various adventures they had in the robbery, the chatting in the inn, the re-enactment of Hal’s visit to his father?
13. The comic character of Pistol, a successful comic character, the affectation of the time in an ordinary person?
14. Mistress Quickly and her managing of the inn? Margaret Rutherford’s style, wanting payment from Falstaff, her enjoyment of the charade about the king and Hal?
15. The importance of Doll in the film? As part of the life of the inn, the love for Falstaff and support of him, her role when all the magic of the life of the inn was put out?
16. The importance of Shallow as showing the character of Falstaff? Their reminiscences about the chimes at midnight? The unreality of their memories? The happiness of memories? Falstaff showing off to Shallow? Shallow's turning against Falstaff and his disillusionment with him? As a means of audience disillusionment with Falstaff?
17. How enjoyable was the robbery sequence, the tricking of Falstaff? The visit of the sheriff?
18. How did this contrast with the battles? Their visualisation? The role of the Percies? Hal and Prince John? Falstaff and taking the body of Percy?
19. The dramatic significance of the coronation? The change in Hal, his reaction to Falstaff, Falstaff’s disillusionment?
20. How much pathos was there in the rejection sequence? Falstaff’s exile?
21. The pathos of Falstaff’s death? The tone that it gave to the film?
22. The summing up of the film in the epilogue? What values were presented in this film, were presupposed in the audience? How well explored?