US, 1961, 107 minutes, Black and white.
Audrey Hepburn, Shirley Mac Laine, James Garner, Miriam Hopkins, Fay Bainter, Karen Balkin, Veronica Cartwright.
Directed by William Wyler.
The Children’s Hour has an interesting theatre and cinema history. The play was originally written by Lillian Hellman in the 1930s. It was filmed by William Wyler in 1936 as These Three. The play had a lesbian theme but the motion picture code of the 1930s did not allow this to be presented on screen and so the film became a film about a scandal which was heterosexual. Miriam Hopkins, who had a supporting role in the later film, and Merle Oberon were the two teachers. Joel McCrea? the doctor. The young Bonita Granville was the vicious child who spread the rumours about the relationships and who was believed, creating a scandal, getting the various personnel dismissed from their jobs. Bonita Granville was nominated for an Oscar for best supporting actress.
In the present version, Lillian Hellman has adapted her play for the screen of the 1960s, just before films became more permissive in terms of these themes. To that extent, it is a daring film for 1961, for the high-profile cast, especially the two actresses, and for William Wyler, the veteran director who had won Oscars for Mrs Miniver, The Best Years of Our Lives, Ben Hur as well as directing many stars to Oscar-winning performances. Fay Bainter was nominated for best supporting actress for the film which received a number of nominations for cinematography and art direction and costumes.
In this version, Audrey Hepburn and Shirley MacLaine? portray two teachers at an exclusive school. The Shirley MacLaine? character is infatuated with Audrey Hepburn who herself is in love with the doctor, James Garner. Once again the spiteful child begins to spread rumours, that there is jealousy involved, that the relationship was unnatural. These rumours are believed and the grandmother of the child removes her from the school. This brings conflict for the doctor and the teachers who are removed from their work – and a consequent court case with national repercussions.
In the light of succeeding decades, The Children’s Hour might seem quite reserved in its presentation of its theme. However, its reserve probably gives it a great deal more humanity than other treatments of this theme.
I. What is the irony of this title in view of the film? An alternate title was The Loudest Whisper. Is this a better title? Why? the original play and film were called These Three, was this a better title? The film was based on a play of the thirties. Was this evident in the screenplay? In the style of the film and the treatment of its subject? Where? Why?
2. Comment on the varying change of moods within the film. How was this achieved? The effect of the photography and the music? The dramatic changes within sequences?
3. Where was audience sympathy meant to lie? What of the audiences sense of justice in view of false accusations and hurt?
4. How did the opening sequences communicate a sense of happiness? The school itself, the choir work, the happiness of Karen and Martha? The fussing of Aunt Lillie? The parents? How important was this opening for the rest of the film?
5. How did the film communicate the tensions within the school ? Between Martha and Karen? Martha’s unknowing jealousy of Karen and Joe? The tension between Martha and her aunt? The sexual relationship and the overtone of lesbianism?
6. Was Karen an attractive character? Why was she working at the school? Her devotion to Martha? Her waiting for the marriage? The sequence of her outing with Joe and its significance for their wedding and for the whole film?
7. How attractive a character was Martha? Why had she founded the school? How much was it part of her life? Her jealousy of Karen? Her seeming dislike of Joe? Her exasperation with her aunt? The importance sequence of their quarrel, overheard by the girls?
8. How was Joe the hero of the film? How sincere was he? How loving and supportive? (Were you surprised at his change at the end? Why?)
9. What did Aunt Lillie add to the film? What kind of person was she in herself? Why so selfish? Why so self-deceiving? Did the audience feel as exasperated as Martha?
10. Impressions of the girls? their life at the school? The details of their life that the film showed? For instance, their scenes in the dormitory, their chatter amongst themselves, their dominance by Mary? their classes?
11. What did the film have to say about accidents and their effect on people? Especially on impressionable people like young girls? Eg, overheard conversations, curiosity, looking at scenes and misinterpreting them? How well were such sequences filmed? Eg, Mary looking at Karen and Martha reconciling after their quarrel? The kiss? The word ‘unnatural’?
12. Impressions of Mary? Was her performance exaggerated? the nature of her tantrums and Joe’s treatment of her? Her feelings of hurt and jealously? Her domination of Rosalie? Her running away? How well did Karen treat Mary in the incident of the flowers?
13. How effective was the sequence where Mary told her grandmother the story ? The whisper? Our not hearing what Mary said? the look on Mrs Tillford’s face? Was this too melodramatic? Or was it effective for this film?
14. Reactions to Mrs Tillford telling the other parents and their withdrawing them from the school? The mystery of why the children were leaving and the bewilderment of Karen and Martha?
15. How melodramatic was the confrontation with Mrs Tillford? How exasperated and frustrated did it make the audience feel? What more could Karen and Martha have done? How cruel was Mrs Tillford? How badly did she exaggerate the situation? Was this a throwback to the thirties? Would modern people react in this way? As regards a school? The confrontation of Mary and Rosalie? the sequences where Mary dominated and terrified Rosalie?
16. How well did the film show the suffering of Martha and Karen? Their loneliness in the empty school? The support of Joe? The inquisitive errand boy? Their going for a walk? The men on the truck gaping? (Was this authentic?)
17. The repercussions of the scandal on Joe: his losing his job and his suspicions? Were his suspicions credible?
18. What was audience reaction to Aunt Lillie’s returning and her avoiding giving testimony at the trial? Was Martha right in her reactions?
19. The importance of the sequence where Joe made his decision to go away? Did Karen do the right thing? How hurtful for her was this?
20. Final reaction to the showdown with the two girls? the look Mrs Tillford gave Mary? The realisation for Mrs Tillford of what had happened?
21. The tensions in the sequence where Mrs Tillford apologised? The effect on Karen and the effect on Martha?
22. The importance of Martha’s discovery about her relationship with Karen? The effect that this knowledge had on feelings? Her feelings of guilt about her relationship? What insight into Martha’s character? the repercussions on her life? The effect of this even after the apology? The credibility of her hanging herself? Audience response?
23. The emotional overtones of the funeral sequence? The feelings of responsibility and guilt? The importance of Karen’s final assertive walk?
24. How well did the film treat the lesbian theme? How well did it treat the theme of gossip and justice? Of jealousies and the inadequacy of human responses? What insight into hurtful human behaviour did the film give?