France, 1935, 110 minutes, Black and white.
Francoise Rosay, Micheline Cheirel.
Directed by Jacques Feyder.
Carnival in Flanders was made in France in the mid-thirties. It has the reputation of being the most successful French film of its time and was widely seen throughout the whole world. It in a light-hearted. look at the French at the Spanish occupation of a town in Flanders in 1616. It pokes fun at attitudes of cowardice and courage, relationships between men and women and in a forerunner of the slogan 'Make love not war'. Directed by Jacques Feyder, it starred his wife Francoise Rosay.
1. The status of this films its reputation as a classics its impact in its time, now?
2. The film as representing film making styles in France in the thirties: black and white photography, sets, costumes. crowd scenes, style?
3. The significance of the title? The carnival atmosphere? The straightforward meaning, the ironic tones?
4. The audience's introduction to the town of Boom? Its appearance, buildings, atmosphere of the early 17th century, the overtones of Flemish culture? The occupations of the inhabitants, the personalities and styles of the people? The rulership of Spain and occupation? Ordinary citizens going about their way of life, the Military? Fear, courage, cowardice? Love? Innocence and experience?
5. The presentation of 17th century Flanders with its background of political the way of life of the ordinary people, the horror of war and the potential rape and slaughter? The importance of the atmosphere of Breughel and painting?
6. The presentation of the town in peace timet the elders of the town, their being painted and their squabbles amongst themselves, arrogance towards Breughel? Pomposity? The butcher who was late? The painting and the atmosphere of the posing and the portrait? The introduction of the marriage plans - the burgomaster and his contracts with the butcher, Breughel and his courting the burgher master’s daughter? The presentation of home life at the burgher master’s home? The status of the aristocracy in the town and their style? Glimpses of the markets and people about their daily work?
7. The portrait of the relationships between men and women? The ironical look at marriage, at the family, at ruling the town, the control of the men and their disregard of the women, the women taking over from the men and succeeding?
8. The change of tone as the three Spanish riders arrived? Their repercussions of the styles and themes of the film? The importance of the fear and the slaughter and rape an visualized for the burgher master and his council? Their plans?
9. The humour in portraying the men with their plans and tactics and the exclusion of the woman?
10. The contrary with the women and their plans and excluding the men?
11. The developing relationships during the Spanish occupation, questions of morals, moral ambiguity?
12. The portrait of the Spaniards: the Duke and his culture, the Chaplain and his background of the Inquisition and his hypocrisy? The dwarf and his money? The personalities of the various men, their womanizing, the soldier with his needlework? The greeting on the part of the women, the effect on the Spaniards, the ritual and the respect for the dead. Spanish courtesy and decorum? The success of the occupation in terms of order and decorum? The personal repercussions on the Spanish soldiers, drinking and meals, loneliness, sexuality? The repercussions on the women of Boom? The jealousy of the men?
13. The portrait of the woman of the town - the burgomaster’s wife and her control, the ladies in attendance? The innkeeper's wife and her moving from room to room for sewing and drawing the curtains? The fishmonger's wife and her giggling at death, weeping at the wedding, regret that there had been no rape? The various wives and the women at the tavern?
14. The tones of French farce, the burgomaster and pretending to be dead, his hunger and jealousy? The visits of the Duke and the various Spaniards and the discovery of the dwarf? The bribes etc.? The attack on the Duke by the butcher and the burgomaster? How well did the farcical elements blend with the overall tone?
16. The portrait of the burgomaster’s wife? Her role in the house, hold, her control of her husband, her abusing him especially as regards the marriage? Her various ploys to control the women, welcome the Duke, hospitality and billeting? Her entertaining, the poetry and the walking in the summer night, arranging the marriage for her daughter? Her visit upstairs - to the Duke? Being discovered with her children by her husband?
16. The contrast with the burgomaster and his tears? The happy resolution with the declaration about freedom from taxes?
17. The critique of the Church and the Inquisition with the personality and behaviour of the Chaplain - as regards his eating and drinking, attitudes towards chastity, towards poverty?
18. The mood of the ending with the pomp and circumstance of the Spaniards leaving? The theme of peaceful occupation rather than slaughter?
19. The tone of French farce, costume French farce, ambiguity of morals, basic message?