France, 1926, 110 (170 restored) minutes, Black and white.
Raquel Meller.
Directed by Jacques Feyder.
A French silent film of the late twenties. It was directed by Jacques Feyder, a French film-maker with a solid reputation who filmed in the United States (The Kiss, 1929) and in Great Britain (Knight Without Armour, with Marlene Dietrich and Robert Donat, 1937). This film is a straightforward presentation of Prosper Merimee's story. It is much better known in its operatic form by Georges Bizet. It was adapted by Oscar Hammerstein for the American version set in World War II, Carmen Jones (filmed by Otto Preminger in 1954). The film is an interesting example of French film making of the twenties and of the French style with the impact of visuals, elaborate and melodramatic silent acting styles.
1. The popularity of Merimee's story? The basic ingredients of the gypsy woman, her tempestuous love, the trail and violence? The operatic nature of the material and its being used by Bizet? Later treatments of Merimee and Bizet - and the American adaptation, Carmen Jones?
2. The work of Jacques Feyder, especially in his sound films? French sensibility?
3. The impact of silent films, black and white photography, editing, sub-titles, expressive and heightened acting styles? In their time, now?
4. The film's capturing the atmosphere of Spain? The city, countryside, smugglers? The military barracks, factories, the bull fights?
5. The focus on Jose - his temper, relationship with his mother, soldier, corporal, the fight for Carmen? Carmen's infatuation? Smuggling? Doncairo? Jealousy, violence? Murder and surrender? Tragedy? The possibility of depth in these themes in silent films?
6. Carmen as a woman, gypsy, Spanish? the gypsies and fate? Fighting? Relationship with Jose? Her choices? The picador, death?
7. The quick sketching of Dancairo? Their place in the melodrama?
8. The presentation of the arena, bull fights, the picador?
9. The conventional material - how well handled? Audience expectations for silent films and the presentation of conventions? Men and women, love and passion, violence and death?