US, 1945, 80 minutes, Black and white.
Jack Benny, Alexis Smith, Dolores Moran, Allyn Joslyn, Guy Kibbee, Reginald Gardiner, Franklin Pangborn, Margaret Dumont.
Directed by Raoul Walsh.
The Horn Blows at Midnight is still quite entertaining although it appears quite dated. There was a trend for supernatural comedies in the early 140s e.g. Here Comes Mr. Jordan, The Devil And Daniel Webster, I Married A Witch etc.
This film came at the end of the war and was a star vehicle for Jack Benny. The film is brief, efficiently directed by action director Raoul Walsh with a Franz Waxman score. There is a good supporting cast including Margaret Dumont of Marx Brothers fame. The material is not as carefully written as it might be, it tends to fall slightly flat towards the end after a very solid and enjoyable beginning.
It is quite an amusing parody, using Heaven, of American comedies.
1. An entertaining and enjoyable fantasy? How memorable a comedy? A satisfying fantasy, satire on America in the '40s? Star vehicle for Jack Benny?
2. The Warner Bros. style of the '40s, black and white photography,, Raoul Walsh's direction, the stars and the supporting cast, the musical score?
3. The popularity of fantasies during the war years? The humorous presentation of Heaven, angels. death? Mankind having second chances? The entertainment value, the fable value? Fables as warnings. satiric observation, parody?
4. The significance of the title and the expectations for the end of the film? The destruction of the world and the echoes of the war? Did the film indicate that the world was worth saving or not?
5. The humour of the set-up: Athaniel and his trumpet-playing? Elizabeth and her presence? The personalities involved in the radio programme and the commercial - the quick indicating of these characters so that they would be recognised during the fantasy? The singer and his lulling intonation of the advertisement? The parody with the commercial, the coffee - and its visuals? The lulling of people to sleep? The ironic use of the characters within the dream considering their functions in real life?
6. The humorous presentation of heaven - the crowds, the angels, the music? The offices and management - very American style! The Chief, the globe and the situating of Earth? The relative unimportance of Earth? The need for a mission, for the destruction of the world? The humour about fallen angels - and the warning for Athaniel? Elizabeth and her role in Heaven? The humour of the lift taking angels down to Earth?
7. Jack Benny's portrait of Athaniel? Humour, style, acidic tones, seeming lack of humour? His role in the orchestra - and his playing off-key during the commercial? His role in Heaven and his ambition? His being called up, the warning about fallen angels, Elizabeth's supporting him - did he merit it? The nature of the mission and his hope for achieving it? His coming down in the lift and keeping people waiting? His encounter with the two fallen angels. his observation of people,, his humorous warnings about the future - in offhand remarks? The party? The build-up to blowing the horn at midnight?
8. The encounter with the girl, saving her - and the later irony of her trying to get the trumpet from him? The background of the robbery and his awkward intervention and its failing?
9. Athaniel's failure, his wandering and becoming a fallen angel? His playing at the dance and his failure in the band? The humour of the eating sequence and his capacity for eating? The cafe assistant and the pawning of the trumpet? Athaniel and his searching out the boy at the picnic? The teacher and her falling down the hole? The re-encounter with the girl? Athaniel's observation of the world - and the humour for the audiences of the time?
10. Elizabeth and her concern, her coming to Earth? The attraction of Archle? The Chief coming to Earth? Their all being involved in the climax? The nightmare with the coffee and Athaniel falling over the building? Elizabeth and her support of Athaniel? An attractive heroine?
11. The suave gangster in Archie Dexter? His role in the hotel, with the ugly woman and her complaints and trying to rob her? His trying to get the trumpet back and succeeding? His henchman Humphrey and the humour of his trying to get the trumpet while Athaniel was being distracted by the girl? Franklin Pangborn as the house detective? The two fallen angels and their enjoying Earth, paying to get the trumpet stolen? A gallery of characters from comedies of the '30s and '40s?
12. The climax and its raucous nature? The nightmare character of the coffee pouring over Athaniel? His waking up during the commercial?
13. The popular comic sequences - verbal, visual, satiric?