US, 1980, 107 minutes, Colour.
Walter Matthau, Glenda Jackson. Herbert Lom, Sam Waterston, Ned Beatty, George Baker, David Matthau, Ivor Roberts.
Directed by Ronald Neame.
Walter Matthau has established a unique reputation as a crumpled-face, lumber-gait comic. This amiable, rather than hilarious, C.I.A. comedy capitalises on this. He teamed successfully in House Calls with Glenda Jackson who
appears spasmodically here with some clipped, caustic lines. The screenplay is a disillusioned secret agent's dream: completely one-upping the system and its pompous bosses (incarnate in a humourless, Nixon-swearing Ned Beatty). Matthau draws on his agency experience and moves from Austria to England to U.S. to Bermuda - attractive travelogue background; Mozart provides the musical score. The film draws on audience suspicions of international espionage and lack of principle. It is amusing in a jump-hopscotch way; the screenplay is unpredictable.
1. An entertaining espionage romance? The humour., the ingenuity of outwitting authority? Popular ingredients for entertainment?
2. The cast? The scenery in Panavision? The Mozart score? The tricks and editing for the special effects? The glossy production?
3. The popular wit. humour? The hopscotch characteristics of the screenplay? Its being unpredictable - enjoyable and satisfying?
4. Miles Kendig: seeing him at work as a professional in Munich, his cover, his connections especially with the Russians? The C.I.A. type? His being ordered home,' the authoritarianism exercised on him and his resentment? His tampering with his file? The return to Austria, the liaison with Isabel and the easy relationship with her,, playing cards and cheating etc.? His decision to write up his memoirs,, the plan to send the chapters all over the world? The setting up for one-upping the C.I.A.?
5. The film as a Walter Matthau vehicle - his particular comic style. look. manner of speaking, ageing hero? Engaging type? How well counterpointed with Glenda Jackson - sharp, brittle glamorous? Ned Beatty and his send-up of American authorities? Authoritarian buffoons?
6. The enjoyment of the expose of the C.I.A.. its plots., methods? Exercises in one-upmanship? The background of international espionage,, cover-ups.. deals and scandals? Fears?
7. The portrayal of Isabel - Glenda Jackson's incisive manner. wit. being at the phone so often? Waiting for Miles? An odd couple romance? Her misleading the espionage agents - especially having her dogs on them? The dog trapping the agent in the house. the trip to England,, having the car ready and being in at the happy ending?
8. Joe as a quality agent,, his friendship with Miles.. his warnings to the authorities,, his predicting what Miles would do? The encounter with Miles and his being tied up? Being in at the end? The good side of the C.I.A.?
9. The other agents - good at their work, techniques.. being outwitted by Kendig?
10. The background of the Russians. Herbert Lom and his genial style as the Russian spy, friendship with Kendig, joining in the pursuit at the end? The worry about the expose with his book?
11. The details of Kendig's manoeuvres and hopscotch? His entry into the United States.. his ranging around America and finishing in Louisiana? His phone calls,, timing.. buying a car, using covers. especially the names of other agents? His renting the boss' house and working from there while they were trying to track where he was? His preparation for the siege and his watching it, his escape, his putting oil on the road etc? His using his techniques for outwitting people? The shoot-up of the house - and the reaction of the C.I.A. boss? The flight to the Bahamas, the trip to England?
12. The preparation for the glider for the ending, Miles' technological know-how, his contacts?
13. His leading the group on, their all converging on London? Leading them to the coast? The preparation of the ending - and the tricking of the audience?
14. The sense of timing, the enjoyment of the chase? The exasperation of the boss, his manner, pomposity, not listening to people, swearing?
15. The humorous ending and Miles' outwitting everyone? The humorous sequence with him dressed as a sheikh buying his book? The comedy treatment of the popular international espionage stories from bestsellers of the period? - Insight into international espionage via the light touch and comedy?