US, 1979, 108 minutes, Colour.
Paul Dooley, Marta Heflin, Titos Vandis, Belita Moreno, Henry Gibson, Allan Nicholls, Ann Ryerson, Keepin'Em Off The Streets.
Directed by Robert Altman.
A Perfect Couple is a cautionary title for an Altman film - yet one hopes that this odd couple could succeed, despite his middle age, Greek patriarchal family style and wealthy Los Angeles elitism (symbolised by the L.A. Philharmonic concerts) and her younger, fragile/tough alternative background (symbolised by the concerts of Ted Neely/ Keeping Them Off The Streets). Like Nashville, songs (lyrics and style) comment on the characters and their interaction. Paul Dooley and Marta Heflin are both engaging and frustrating as Alex and Sheila (a dating agency meeting) but Altman has opted for a pleasing, gentle touch, certainly laced with irony, especially the ostentatiously perfect couple acting as chorus. Enjoyable.
1. The work of Robert Altman? His reputation? The quality of his film’s treatment, thews, insight into human nature, the satiric touch? The tone of this film? His regular employment of actors and actresses, writing films for them? His production company and the possibilities of his total control of his films?
2. The choice of Los Angeles as the setting - as a microcosm of the United States? A cross-section of people in this city, in the country? The presentation of the groups and their clashes? The mutual accusations: freaks, weirdos? Audience judgment about who is normal or not? The European origins of so many Americans? The focus on the American Greek community - its wealth, style, conservatism, control, business enterprise? The contrast with showbiz groups in Los Angeles, rock groups, permissiveness? The dating agencies ? Great Expectations? A cross section of ordinary but different people?
3. How well did the film combine these two worlds - dramatically, thematically and symbolically? The use of music as a device to symbolise each group and to bring them together? The classical music for the conservative Greek family, the rock music and popular styles for the group? Contrasting the two styles? Bringing them together in the final concert?
4. The significance of music throughout the film? The type of classical music at the Los Angeles Bowl at the beginning, at the house as conducted by the father? The contrast with Keepin' 'Em Off The Streets and their songs, the lyrics? The background to the action and moods? The lyrics commenting on the characters and action? Bringing the classical and the contemporary together in the final concert. the final credits?
5. The title of the film and the chorus duo of the perfect couple? Their elegant fondness of each other at the Los Angeles Bowl, their clothes, manners? Seeing them shopping together and their care and concern for each other? The hospital sequence and the husband getting the patch over his eye? In the shop and their leaving the invitation for the party at the restaurant? Their presence at the party for Keepin' 'Em Off The Streets? The cynical touch with their coldness towards each other at the end? The future for Alex and Sheila as at the end they appeared like the perfect couple? The superficial charm of the couple - compared with reality? The purpose of this device?
6. Great Expectations and dating agencies? The use of computers, media for interviews? Artificial arrangements for finding the perfect and compatible couple? Audience response to Sheila's interview, Alex's? Skye? Dana? The satire in these interviews and the response of each candidate? The reality of each of the characters compared with the interviews? Dana and his eagerness, moustaches and masculinity, his dating Sheila, bringing the yellow rose, the fight with Alex and his running away? Skye and her sexuality, her enjoyment of the meal, taking Alex to her house and the humour of the dogs, the emphasis on sexuality with the magazines etc.? The film's comment on lonely people who go to dating agencies?
7. Alex's background: his how, presence at the concert, his father and the conducting of the music with the rest of the family present, the patriarch and his absolute control, meals and timetables. elegance, the discussion about the school for his granddaughter? His disowning Alex? His care for Eloisa? His other children and the in-laws? Fred and his aping the Greek custom? The formality of the family? The conversation in which Alex was treated as a boy? The family all going to work together to the shop? The father's attitude towards Sheila and finding her in the house and the accusation of her being a whore? Alex's return to discover Eloisa dead and his father disowning him? Sheila and her reaction to the family finding her? The influence on Alex of his family and its shaping his reaction?
8. Eloisa and her charm, playing in the orchestra, friendship with Mona, her visits to the doctor, her being ill? Her humane touch, love of Alex, wanting to move out? Her being a help to Alex? The suddenness of her death, the absence from the orchestra? The touch of pathos in her characterisation?
9. The contrast with the group - living in the factory, Bobby and his homosexuality, his care for the girls? Mary and Sidney Ray? Their lesbian relationship? The pregnancy and the bringing up of the child? Audience judgment of relationships? Teddy and his wife and child? The control that Teddy held over the group ? as parallel to Alex's father? The togetherness, the lack of privacy, the lack of elegance, drink and drugs? The band? The love of music? Sharing in common? The background of each of the characters? The going on tour? Alex's reaction to them as 'freaks'?
10. Alex and Sheila as a couple? The possibility of a future together, their compatibility, audience sympathy for each of them, hopes? Superficial knowledge - at the level of the dating agency? Their getting to know one another, sharing, the possibility of depth and a permanent relationship? Their liking each other as well as loving each other?
11. The portrait of Alex - at the Bowl on his first date, the umbrella, the rain, the humour with the car, the elevator at the factory? His imposing himself on Sheila? His wanting to return, the telephone call and the cure for the cold? The further date and his feeling that he was stood up, the phone call, sleeping in the car? His imposing himself on Sheila? The fight with Dana, his being hit on the head? The first aid and the hospital discussion? In bed at the factory, going to his house? His allowing Sheila to be humiliated and his being dominated by his family? His trying the agency again? The party after the dinner with Skye, seeing Sheila at the concert for the group? His leaving Skye and returning to Sheila? The background of his divorce and his wife's, remarriage? The film's emphasis on his needs, capacity for love, loneliness? His style and relationship with Sheila? His puzzles about the factory? The dominance of his father? The help of Eloisa? His work and its lack of fulfilment? What he learnt from the experience with Skye?
12. His decision to leave home, to travel with the group, chasing them In the bus and apologising to Sheila? His presence at the concerts, at the rehearsals and the hairy man in the audience? The bed sequence and the lack of privacy? His return home and the contrast with Eloisa’s death? His return to Sheila - was there enough basis for their future together? Alex as a type of American everyman figure ? middle age, needy, values?
13. The contrast with Sheila, so different from Alex, the contemporary type, fey, her work and the suitability for the group, her presence at rehearsals, Teddy's control over her, her sad features, the sad songs she sang, her participation in the group especially in movement? Her hopes from Great Expectations, her response to Alex, her fears? Her anger with him after the rehearsal? The date with Dana and her fainting after using the poker? The care for Alex, the return to home, being humiliated? On tour and her forgiving of Alex? A type of everywoman American character?
14. Themes of love, liking? Aspects of relationships, knowledge, self esteem, forgiveness?
15. The delineation of the characters of the group ? Teddy and his control, his musical skill, his wife and child? The girls and their relationship, looking forward to the baby? Bobby and his erratic attitudes, genial personality? The tour, the concerts, the length of time and perfectionism in the rehearsals? The bedroom sequence?
16. Themes of ordinary people and their yearnings, love, death, hope, understanding? Themes of marriage? A comic view ? how hopeful, how satirical?