France, 1978, 113 minutes, Colour.
Fabrice Luchini, Andre Dussollier, Marie Christine Barrault.
Directed by Eric Rohmer.
Perceval is a stylised dramatisation of the medieval Grail poem by Chretien de Troyes, focusing on Perceval, his becoming a knight, his battles, his rescue of Blanchefleur, his failure to gain wisdom, especially concerning the Grail by questioning the Fisher King. His learning from his mother, noble knights (and the detour of the story of Sir Gawain) and his watching of the Passion Play on Good Friday. Eric Rohmer’s work has comprised Moral Tales. His discipline and complete reliance on the recitation of the text, use of song and medieval melodies and artificial sets make this an absorbing, very specialised film illustration widening the possibilities of feature films.
1. The background of Camelot, King Arthur and his court, knights and chivalry, the medieval traditions, the grail legends? The medieval background to these legends? The literature and the poetry? Contemporary interest in the literature, the legends and myths, themes? Poetic interest, religious themes, history, psychology?
2. The blending of the historical ? the symbolic presentation of medieval legend? The mythological overtones? The Catholic tradition? The rediscovery of the medieval myths by contemporary symbolists and psychologists?
3. The work of Chretien de Troyes? His perspective on the grail legends? On King Arthur? On Perceval? The medieval viewpoint on chivalry and honour, quests? The orthodoxy of the traditions of the myths, of Catholicism?
4. The work of Erie Rohmer: his tradition of presenting moral tales? His choosing a medieval legend to present as a moral tale? His stylised screenplay, manner of filming?
5. The film's use of the medieval text? Adaptation for modern audiences, the language? The epic treatment ? and the satiric touches? The work as a chanson? The characters reciting the poetry, singing it? The characters reciting the directions? The effect on the audience, involving them in the characterisation, action, themes? Distancing the audience and making them observe a play?
6. The background of medieval art? The visuals, sets and decor, visual compositions in the framework of each scene? Colour photography and its style? The artificiality of the decor and sets? The audience accepting the unreality and the contrivances? Once these were accepted, audience involvement in the legend? The vividness of the colour, the choices of colour for scenery, sets, clothes? The stimulation to the imagination? The corresponding acting styles, contrived, postures etc.?
7. The use of song and audience response to the continued singing? The medieval melodies of the 12th and 13th centuries? The range of voices? Individual voices, polyphony?
8. The fidelity of the film to the text? The structure of the poem: the background of Perceval, his quest and mission, the encounter with Perceval, King Arthur, his avenging the lady? The interruption of the story of Sir Gawain? The return to Perceval? The dramatic imbalance and the film's deciding to follow the structure of the text?
9. The basic conventions of drama: establishing characters, explanations of characters, interaction? The basic structures and conventions seemingly crude? The power of the simple interactions?
10. The background of medieval themes of chivalry, courtly love, religion? Sin, guilt, responsibility? Heroism? The young man and his training, quests and endurance, learning?
11. The basic ingredients of mythology? The hero, the quest, endurance, courage. trials? The background of the mother and her advice? King Arthur and the ladies of the court? The knights? The fisherman king and the revelation of the truth? The Grail and its symbolism? The opportunity to learn? Blanche Fleur as heroine? The loathly damsel and her guiding to wisdom?
12. The Catholic background, the focus on Christian realities, symbolism, theological themes? Perceval and his straying from the church? The Good Friday sequence, the singing of the Passion, the re-enactment of it, mime, the significance of Christ's redemption?
13. The symbolism of the grail - as the goal of the quest, the background of the Last Supper, the Eucharist, the passion? The long sequence of the Passion and its impact on Perceval?
14. Themes of courtly love, the characterisation of Blanche Fleur, her difficulties, Perceval and his saving her, their love, the culmination of their love? The avenging of the lady offended at King Arthur's court?
15. King Arthur, the Round Table and the background of the Arthurian legends? The encounters with the knights? Perceval and his learning from the wise knights? The tournaments and the violence?
16. The vision of the fisher king, his castle? Precava’s hesitation and not learning the truth? The loathly damsel and her being a means to discover the truth?
17. The epic poem and the presentation of a young man, his self assertion, search for identity, achievement? The experiences of Perceval, his hopes for the future?