Australia, 1989, 99 minutes, Colour.
Keith Smith, Kate Caballero, Odile Le Clezio, Jill Forster.
Directed by Scott Murray.
Devil in the Flesh was written and directed by former film critic Scott Murray who has adapted the French novel, Le Diable au Corps, by Raymond Radiguet. The film is French in its style and manner - and the atmosphere of World War Two.
The focus is on a schoolboy in his final year, his infatuation with an Italian internee. The film treats first love, the infatuation and the selfishness and its effect on both the boy and the wife. The boy is played by Keith Smith with a certain detached and callow style. Katia Caballero is effective as Marthe. The film captures the spirit of the Australian countryside, the manners and moral tone of the 1940s. The Victorian countryside looks beautiful. There is a score by prolific French composer, Philippe Sarde.
1. The impact of the romance? The French source and style? Transposed to Australia?
2. The Victorian, countryside, the beauty, the vineyards, the towns? The French score?
3. The title - and the indication of amour and passion? Gallic passion transposed to Australia - and cooled somewhat?
4. The war, its perspective, the internees, the prospect of the call-up, the background to life in the 1940s, newsreel footage, the celebration of the end of the war? The significance of the war on this group of Australians?
5. The picture of Australia in the '40s: family life, professional careers, school life, vineyard owners, work in the vineyards? Manners? morals? The refined and restrained vision - in comparison with other stories of the 1940s?
6. The portrait of Paul: initially, boyish, playing with the little boy? Going to the station to meet Marthe, the picnic, his attraction towards her, asking her to put her hair down, the visit to the school and his response, seeing him at home, his father and his university career, present at his lecture, permission to go out? Relationship with his mother? Success in classes, at sport? His bike and his travelling around? Seen as a growing schoolboy - but with bike and cap? Seeing Marthe, looking for her home, pursuing her? The meal from school? Too young to have a drink? The various meetings, sharing interests, her art and his response? Falling in love, the directness of their talk? His attitude towards Ermanno? The first sexual encounter, his naivety, passivity? The successive encounters? The growing passion? His father knowing but not saying anything? His lies, saying that he was going out with his friend? The passing of time, Marthe's absence and his encounter with the model at the life class, the fumbling sexual encounter? The announcement of the pregnancy, his impassive response? His hurting Marthe, staying, the arguments, his growing immaturity? His father's challenge? The mother and the letter? Going round the hotels, his deceiving Marthe? Her leaving? The passing of the years, his going to take the paintings to Marthe, meeting Ermanno, seeing the child? The final tableau? Interesting character, sympathetic? The audience understanding his growing up, passion, relationship, responsibility?
7. Marthe and her art, coming to visit her family, Ermanno and his internment, her love for him, his absence and her falling out of love? The attraction towards Paul, the encounter at school, he meal, the shop, letting her hair down, the letters to him, encouraging him, giving him the key? The passionate affair? Her leading him on, the sexual encounter, sensuality? Telling the truth? His dictating the letter to Ermanno? Her age, the comparisons of age? her reputation and people's criticism? The break, her pregnancy and it effect on her, her feminine sensibility trying to cope with Paul's youth and immaturity? The humiliation of the hotels, her leaving? The final sequence with the baby? The lyrical aspects? Tragic aspects? The reconciliation with Ermanno and her telling him the truth?
8. Paul's parents, ordinary parents, civilised and refined, friendship with this father, the work in the vineyard, lecturing, knowing what was happening, his wife urging him to exert his authority? His attempts to take a stand? his sending Paul to Marthe at the end?
9. The French family and their style, friendships? Marthe's friends, her confidante? The contrast with the girl and her being caught with the internee and the police taking him away?
10. School sequences, classes, the brothers and their treatment of the boys, sport? The boys in school? Paul's friend, going out with him, kissing in the cinema and his reaction, saying that he was out with him, his reaction to his sister?
11. The prisoners of war, helping with the vineyard, the singing at the meal, freedom after the war? prisoners? The newsreel footage about the Italians?
12. The people of the town, attitudes, moral judgments? The background of Catholicism, the brothers in the school, the parish priest? The lack of impact of the church on Paul and his behaviour?
13. Familiar romantic plot? The development of the characters? Exploration of European experience themes in an Australian context?