Australia, 1986, 93 minutes, Colour.
Reb Brown, James Coburn, Bill Hunter, Maurie Fields, Max Fairchild, Michael Pate.
Directed by Philippe Mora.
Death of a Soldier focuses on American military personnel in Australia in 1942 and the atmosphere of World War Two. Its particular focus is on Sgt. Edward Leonski and his killing of three women, his subsequent trial and execution.
The film is a re-creation of Melbourne in the '40s. It is a focus on a man with a disease affecting the brain and his murdering of three women. It is a study of a crime, authorities handling the situation in the atmosphere of war, capital punishment and criticism of capital punishment.
The film was a project of William Nagle who wrote the screenplay (as he did for The Odd Angry Shot). The film was directed by Philippe Mora (Brother Can You Spare a Dime, Mad Dog Morgan, The Return of Captain Invincible and the American films: The Beast Within, A Breed Apart, The Howling II).
James Coburn is good in the central role of the American officer. Reb Brown (Uncommon Valour, Howling II) is maniacal as Leonski, but is made more human as the film progresses and makes the audience react to the commission of crime and the victimisation in capital punishment. Bill Hunter (in a role similar to that of Rebel) and Maurie Fields are the Australian police.
The film looks good, has an atmosphere of World War Two, Melbourne in the '40s. (It is interesting to note that Emma's War, Rebel and Death of a Soldier were all made around the same time and focus on 1942.)
1. Interesting and entertaining story? Australian history? American military forces? The law, capital punishment?
2. Panavision photography, Melbourne in 1942: the city, the camps, rest and recreation, police and military? The authentic atmosphere? Newsreel excerpts? The re-creation of McArthur's presence in Melbourne? The battle between American and Australian soldiers? The musical score: the songs of the 1940s and imitation 1940s style?
3. The title of the film, the focus on Leonski, his execution, his execution as a soldier? The epilogue about the treatment of military personnel and justice?
4. The setting: the newsreel images of World War Two, the Pacific and New Guinea, Mac Arthur and the Philippines, his arrival in Melbourne, the response of Australians to the American presence, hoping for salvation? American rest and recreation, the camps, the brothels? The role of the American officials, the Australian police?
5. The U.S. and the Pacific war, Mac Arthur and his seeming like God, arrival, plans? The murders and American official reaction? Hysteria and good relationships? The preference for an execution rather than presence in an asylum? Mac Arthur's intervention and haste? Authorities preventing letters and cables back to the High Court of America? Leonski's case and the war effort?
6. The American authorities? James Coburn as Major Dannenberg? His police background, morale, the meetings, with the Australian police, his friendliness to Australians? The socials and the encounter with Margo, companionship, the affair, discussion of the situation about the murders, about Leonski, trying to get her to communicate with the U.S.? The police and the collaboration with the Americans? The effect of the deaths, the investigations, diplomacy? Dannenberg and his knowing the suspect was American? The Defence task? His having to take over? The interview with Leonski, Leonski's singing in falsetto, understanding him? The discussion with the Australian police and the information about Leonski's Leptomeningitis? His handling of the court situation, his being unable to persuade the court, objections raised to his points? Leonski thanking him at the end? The attempts to send letters, cables and phone calls? His stance about the murders and capital punishment? Margo's reaction? A man of integrity in the war?
7. Major Fricks: his authority, stances, bully boy tactics, treatment of the men, presence in the brothel?
8. The top brass of the American authorities, their information, decisions, presence of Mac Arthur, his influence, the decision for an execution?
9. The Australian police: their background, humour? Supervising? Patronised by the Americans? Doing their jobs, the investigations, the criminals, the men in the line ups, clues, tracking Leonski? Collaboration with Dannenberg? The information about the similar case and Leptomeningitis? Their presence at the trial? Bill Hunter's laconic style as Adams? Maurie Fields' humorous style as Martin?
10. Margo and Australian women, the response to the Americans, social background, comment on her social class, her engagement, the dance, the affair, her harshness about Leonski?
11. The presentation of R & R, the brothels, the clubs, sex, drinking, the response of Australian women?
12. The American military camp, camp style?
13. Leonski and Gallo? The initial impressions of the GIs? Buddies? Going out, drinking? Leonski's odd mannerisms, the big man, his falsetto singing, walking on his hands on the bar, strange look, his lips, smile? The suggestions about the first death? The explicit presentation of the other deaths? His return to camp, talking to Gallo, sadness? Confessing? Being cheered up by the prospect of more drinking and girls? Exposing himself to the woman in the flat? His almost strangling the other woman? His wanting their voices? The line-up in the camp and his not being detected by the two women? Following the woman on the tram, getting her to guide him to the camp, his killing her and burying her? His wanting her voice and not sexual intercourse? The mud and his washing? The arrest and his confessing? Gallo and his concern, reporting him? The interrogation? The file on his family and his brothers and their records? Leonski, a soldier doing his duty? The voices - and his singing 'It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow'? The reaction of Dannenberg? In the court martial? His condemnation, thanking Dannenberg, his smile? In the cell, a naivety and innocence, simplicity? The effect of Leptomeningitis and drinking? The padre and the prayer? The visual impact of his execution? Portrait of a soldier, a criminal, a man affected by illness of the brain?
14. The victims, the girls around town, being picked up, his wanting their voices? The women who escaped? The final victim and her innocence and kindness?
15. The Australian reaction, hysteria, the extraordinary battle and killings between American and Australian troops? The media cover-up? The parliamentary discussion, McArthur's presence, Prime Minister Curtin's stances?
16. Crime and ugliness? Mental illness? Justice and expedience? Leonski as scapegoat? The message about capital punishment and the nature of a society which kills criminals?