US, 1980, 103 minutes, Colour.
Michael Ontkean, Margot Kidder, Ray Sharkey, Jan Miner.
Directed by Paul Mazursky.
Willie And Phil but, more especially, Jeannette, are meant to represent New Yorkers (Americans?) who lived their twenties through the 1970s: middle class, educated, on for causes, but more preoccupied with themselves. In fact this slow moving film, written and directed by Paul Mazursky, is almost totally introspective, as three narcissists try to work themselves out and fulfil themselves - their parents, however, do get a chance to register bewildered puzzle and protest. Is Mazursky saying that the '70s were a more permissive self-searching decade before young adults rediscovered some conventionality? The difficulty with such a contrived romantic comedy for three' is that it is difficult to generate much sympathy for Willie and Phil and, even, Jeannette. Mazursky had more success with Bob and Carol, Ted and Alice, Blume in Love, Harry and Tonto, An Unmarried Woman. Willie and Phil resembles more his Alex in Wonderland and Next Stop Greenwich Village.
1. The impact of the film for comedy, romance, characters. representing an era? The work of writer-director Paul Mazursky? His interest in New Yorkers, the '70s? The changing of behavioural patterns and attitudes? His interest in films and film-making? A tribute to Francois Truffaut? His voiceover narrative and its tone?
2. The three characters as representing Americans in the '70s? Living through their 20s? The influence of the '60s, their social and personal attitudes, lack of commitment, search for self, work? Re-entry into a more conventional mainstream? Impact for American audiences? Non Americans?
3. Male-female relationships? Affection, friendship, love, commitment? Marriage, divorce? The masculine point of view of the screenplay? Jeannette's point of view? The changing emphases and audience response? Feminism and the '70s?
4. The tribute to Truffaut, liking Jules and Jim? The 1970s viewing and the seeming patterning of attitudes, life, details of behaviour on the characters? The similarity of the characters? Free spirits? Joy of life? The contrast with the clashes of the New Yorkers? The lyrical sequences of picnics, roller skating, bike-riding echoing the French film? Seeing the film at the end and the contrast with the people imitating The Rocky Horror Picture Show? The deliberate contrivance of this film?
5. The significance and tone of the voiceover commentary? The work of the director? Comment on behaviour, imitating remarks (which are repeated)? Irony as well as straightforwardness? Pleasant communication as well as satire? Distancing the audience from the characters? Moving plot and character development along?
6. The introspective nature of the film - focusing almost solely on the three characters? Their own narcissism? The establishing of the relationship between Willie and Phil from the film, conversation, their respective work, the sexual encounter with the models and the revelation of their attitudes and guilt? Sharing? The sighting of Jeannette in the Washington Square Park? The interaction? The setting up of the menage a trois 1970s style? The film's continual focus on the three and their focus on themselves? Taking themselves seriously? could the audience take them as seriously?
7. Willie and his Jewish background, teaching, the class on Hamlet with the black student doing the Soliloquy ? and Willie's response? His relationship with Phil's model friends? His friendship for Phil and sharing so much experience? The encounter with Jeannette and his love for her? The development of the relationship and shared experiences? The visit to Willie's parents and countering their criticism? The visit to Jeannette's mother? Jeannette's decision to have the child and her pregnancy? The marriage commitment? Willie's delight at Zelda's birth? The possibility of deeper commitment and developing relationship based on self-awareness?
8. Willie's desire to go to the farm, his lack of realism in getting the farm, his successful work and the visit of his father? What was possible for him, not possible for Jeannette? Her wanting to go? His decision to go with her?
9. The sketch of Phil? his photography in New York, his intense Italian background, his sense of guilt? Sexual relationships? The importance of the friendship with Willie? The lifestyle, especially as illustrated by the decision to take L.S.D.? the background to the taking of the drug, the pornographic film, the return home, Willie at the piano and Phil in bed with Jeannette? The morning after and their reactions? Phil's sense of guilt, especially towards Jeannette? Yet his continued love for her? The marriage? The liaison with Jeannette's sister? His decision to go to California? Setting up house with Rena? The artificial California lifestyle?
10. Willie trying to adapt to California? His decision to leave? His interest in the health and religious trends of the '70s? The flashbacks to his trip ? Hawaii with Rena, his experiences in India, the shaving of his beard? His return and his decision to stay? The growing bond between Willie and Phil as symbolised by Jeannette's sexual distance from them both?
11. Phil and his moving in with Jeannette? Care for Zelda? The quality of life? The importance of his parents arriving ? the car ride with the intensity of his mother's reaction? Her hostility towards Jeannette and their decision to return?
12. Jeannette adapting to California, needing to be with people, her love for her daughter? Holding both Willie and Phil at a distance? The significance of her dream in flying over New York? Her decision to go back and work as an independent filmmaker?
13. Zelda and her place in the family, with Willie and Phil? Her seeming to adapt to situations? The voice-over saying that she related well with all the characters?
14. The final sequences in New York? Jeannette at work, her love for the Russian? Willie and returning to his teaching of ten years before? Phil and his commercial success? The comment on their going to see Jules and Jim? Their looking at the Rocky Horror addicts? The comment on their subsequent marriage and ordinary lifestyle?
15. Audience response to the style of the film ? the dialogue and its seriousness, the temptation to be pretentious? How serious the portrait of the characters? The detail of the presentation of their characters? The blend of charm and parody?
16. Insights into the American way of life in the '70s for the younger generation? Male-female relationships, the commitment, decisions, search. career? The mainstream of ordinary life as background to searching for self?