UK, 1970, British, 103 minutes. Colour.
Anna Calder- Marshall, Timothy Dalton, Judy Cornwall, Ian Ogilvy, Harry Andrews, Pamela Browne, Rosalie Crutchly, Hilary Dwyer, Julian Glover, Hugh Griffith.
Directed by Robert Fuest.
Wuthering Heights is a new version of Emily Bronte's novel, filmed by American- International to benefit by the much-boosted return to romanticism in 1970. The previous version, directed by William Wyler and starring Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon, was also romantic for its time, 1939. This version is by no means outstanding. It holds the interest and keeps close enough to the first part of the novel on which it is based. It cuts short the novel by having Hindley shoot the young Heathcliff after Cathy’s death. One of the main defects of the film is the casting of Anna Calder- Marshall as Cathy. She is too short and stocky and does not come across as dynamically as she should. For this reason Timothy Dalton's fiery intensity seems unbalanced. However, Judy Cornwell as Nelly Dean and Julian Glover as Hindley are very good. This is a story of passion, betrayal and loneliness which shows clashes by selfishness. It is a story which probably appeals to adolescents because its hero and heroine tempestuously searching for their real selves.
1. Their main purpose behind this version of the classic novel is to present a tempestuous love story? Why?
2. The setting of the isolated Yorkshire moors was an important factor in the novel. It was one of the main reasons why people were as they were. Do you think the film conveyed a vivid enough impression of the setting: the houses, the hills, the weather, the farms ? and how it moulded the Earnshaws and Heathcliff?
3. Why was Heathcliff not fully accepted into the Earnshaw family? How did his upbringing compare with that of Hindley? Why did Heathcliff bear grudges? Was he justified? What trust did he place in Cathy?
4. Was Cathy a spoilt girl? Did you like her? Why did she love Heathcliff? Was it only because she knew no one else?
5. Why was Cathy so entranced by the Lintons? Why did she so quickly despise Heathcliff? Was she selfish?
6. Why was there such a clash between herself and Heathcliff? Was it between their temperaments? Their passionate self-centredness that wanted to overcome itself in love? What were the conflicts going on within Heathcliff and within Cathy?
7. How do you explain Hindley's personality and his parent's attitude towards him? His clash with Heathcliff and his gradual subjugation and degradation?
8. What did Heathcliff intend by going away, getting rich and returning? Was it solely revenge?
9. His attitude towards Isabella and her infatuation for him? Can anything excuse his behaviour and hatred? Did this completely alienate him from the audience? why?
10. Did Cathy ever love Edgar? Did Edgar know what was going on within Cathy? Did Cathy love Heathcliff or was it an intensely passionate infatuation?
11. What is the role of Nellie Dean in the film?
12. The film cuts short the novel almost half and exacts retribution by Hindley and Isabella shooting Heathcliff. With Cathy dead and Heathcliff spiritually dead with her, was this a fitting end for this film version?