Italy, 1990, 108 minutes, Colour.
Gian Maria Volonte.
Directed by Gianni Amelio.
Porte Aperte (Open Doors) is an award-winning film by director Gianni Amelio, whose next film was The Stolen Children, Ladri di Bambini.
This film is set in 1937, the atmosphere of Mussolini's fascism. The film opens grimly with a cold-blooded series of murders. However, when the case comes to court, deeper corruption is revealed in high places. The focus of conscience is an elderly judge, played by Gian Maria Volonte, veteran of many Italian political films from the '60s to the '90s.
The film highlights Italian politics and is a questioning fable about Italian morality.
1.A film of the '90s, the perspective on an Italy of the '30s, the fascist period in hindsight, social and human justice?
2.The Sicilian settings, the decor and atmosphere of the period? Musical score?
3.The title and the focus on justice?
4.Scalia and his arrival, the clash with Spadafora, the killing, the talking with his assistant and helping him with his files? His children, taking his wife for the drive, the sexual encounter, killing her? Coming home to his son, and the arrest seen through his son's eyes?
5.The transformation in jail, shaven, in the cage, handcuffed? Referred to as `Monster'? His speeches, anti-fascist, his pleading for execution? His explanation of his boss, the financial implications of corruption for five years, his taking the blame? His relationship with his wife, his having to take her for sexual favours to his boss? The brutality of the deaths? His motivation, his being driven to kill?
6.The court case, the witnesses, the explanations about his wife and her behaviour, the chauffeur and his stories about driving? Spadafora's wife and her comments? The money, the keeping of the books? The boss's wife and her lies - and her later discussions and revealing the truth?
7.The bench, the judges and their political stances? Their questions, the witnesses, the decision for psychological testing for Scalia?
8.The judge and his tasks for psychological testing, his encounters with Scalia? His family relationships, his grief for his dead wife, seeing his father in the cemetery? Going to visit the family, the boy with his story - and the portrait of a good man, independent, caught in the atmosphere of the times?
9.The judge and his talking with the farmer, his seeing the reality behind the crimes, exercising his conscience?
10.The trial, the votes, the justice done, what was behind the justice done? The execution of Scalia? The comment on Italy of the '30s - and the aftermath in the defeat of Mussolini?