US, 1995, 135 minutes, Colour.
Meryl Streep, Clint Eastwood.
Directed by Clint Eastwood.
From a very popular brief best-seller, this is a very moving adaptation by Richard La Gravanese (Fisher King, Unstrung Heroes, Living Out Loud). Meryl Streep gives yet another excellent performance and Clint Eastwood is sensitive (and pleasing when he smiles) and has directed the film with unfussy style.
The basic plot outline is familiar: a relationship between a middle-aged Iowa woman and a travelling photographer. But the film offers more, beginning, as it does, with the woman's death and the audience sharing her children's discovery of their mother's journals. Knowing the aftermath gives a moral perspective on the central four days. This is a film of great humanity offering much for reflection. It will probably become a cinema classic.
1.The popularity of the novel? The expectations from the novel: characters, themes? The film version considered superior to the novel? Characters, dialogue, situations, themes?
2.The title: the focus on the old bridges, American 19th century history and traditions, Iowa and the Midwest?
3.The Iowa settings, the details of the town of Winterset, Francesca's house and its surroundings, the countryside, the visit to Des Moines? The musical score?
4.The structure of the film: the gate to the house and the sign, the post? The introduction to the children and their reading of the will, the discovery of their mother's things, the diary, the secrets of her life? Their journey of discovery? The flashbacks, coming back to the 1990s? The contrast between the two periods, change? The question of the burial, the cremation? The ending? The four days of the affair in the broader perspective?
5.Values and moral perspective because of knowing what happened beyond the four days? The romance in the context of a fuller life rather than merely a romantic interlude?
6.The '60s and the '90s? The '60s enhanced and more seemingly mature from the perspective of the '90s? The frantic '90s, the younger generation compared with the parent generation? Moral issues and judgments?
7.The strength of Meryl Streep's presence, performance, appearance, manners, accent? An authentic Francesca? The migrant, the middle-aged woman, mother and wife? Clint Eastwood's contribution, age, grizzled, experience, a romantic lead? The sensitivity and quality of his direction?
8.The audience knowing the journey of discovery for the children, identifying with it? The interpretation of the behaviour of both Francesca and Robert?
9.Francesca and the letters, the hiding of the key, the journals, writing her perspective, the therapy of her being able to write down her experiences and memories, knowing that her children would read them? The contrast of seeing her at home, with the meals and the family, the work, the silences, the departure of the family for the fair, her being by herself?
10.Her story: Bari, the war, the meeting with Richard, the American dream? Her family in Italy and their expectations? Her children, bringing them up, winning competitions? Not being a talkative family? The relationship with Richard, quiet, the daily phone calls, his not kissing her when he returned, the taken for granted tenderness, leading an ordinary life?
11.At work while the family was away, the first encounter with Robert, his asking the questions, her information, her options about helping him, her going with him? When were her basic choices made? The experience of Robert, the possibility of a relationship, the temptation? Her feelings, her thinking? The perspective of the journal? Their talking together, the shared intimacy and quiet, his taking the photos, the flowers and her kidding that they were poisonous? Their talk on the bridge, the return home, the summer heat, the tea, their talk? The invitation to the meal? His having the shower, her having her bath and her gradual acknowledgment of feelings? Sharing during the meal, his telling stories, the memories? Her misunderstanding and feeling he was critical of her life? Arguing, his apologies? Their walking around the house and the road?
12.Clint Eastwood as Robert (appearance, age - too old for such a romantic lead?)? In himself, the background of his work, the questions about the bridge, the trip with Francesca, the taking of the photos, the flowers, the attraction, going to her home, the tea, the shower, the meal? Sharing the exotic stories? His not wanting to be critical? His profound apologies?
13.The second day, the phone message, Francesca at home, the leaving of the note on the bridge? Her being transformed by the experience, buying the dress, the phone call? Their going out together, the dance? Love, decisions, responsibility, sexual encounter and its effect on each of them?
14.The passing of the night, the morning and the following day, reactions, inter-reactions, tension, sharing, the work? Their going out together, the continued sexual encounters?
15.The ultimate decisions, the phone calls from Richard and the children? A future? The discussions about possibilities, the long-term effect of the relationship? The discussions? The farewell, Robert's leaving?
16.The return of the family, their going to town, the encounter in the rain, in the truck at the red lights, the focus on the door handle, the reality of Francesca's choices, seeing Robert in the truck, her decision to stay?
17.The passing of the years, Francesca growing old? Sharing with Richard, the children? The pathos of Richard's death and her continued care for him? Richard as a good but unimaginative man? Supporting his wife and family?
18.Francesca and age, receiving Robert's book, the cross? The news of his death? Her storing up all these things and keeping them?
19.The background story of Lucy, the affair in the town, people's gossip? The interlude in the town with Robert at the bar, people walking out on Lucy? His consideration for Lucy, her crying at the car? Francesca knowing the truth, the passing of the years and her ultimately visiting Lucy, their becoming friends? Talking together? The son seeing her at the bridge and welcoming her?
20.The background of Francesca's children, their lives? Betty and her faux pas? Concern about the will and what they would inherit? The ingenuous son, his being scandalised? The daughter and her marriage, the brittleness, the break-up? The bonding of the son and Betty, the daughter and the phone call to try to make a decision? Their being less judgmental, the change, the funeral and the scattering of the ashes?
21.A moral fable about relationships, sexuality, temptations, decisions, long-term decisions? The affair, perhaps, not being able to last a lifetime but the transforming effect on each?