US, 1995, 117 minutes, Colour.
Whoopi Goldberg, Drew Barrymore, Mary- Louise Parker, Matthew Mc Connaughey, James Remar, Estelle Parsons.
Directed by Herbert Ross.
Boys on the Side is a feminist film of the mid-'90s. It was directed by Herbert Ross, director of many Neil Simon comedies as well as musicals and such films which focused on women's issues like the ballet film The Turning Point.
Viewers will be reminded of Thelma and Louise as three women go on the road, making for California. The interactions between the women is particularly interesting. Whoopi Goldberg plays a lesbian, a sympathetic mother-figure and companion to the two other women on the road. Mary- Louise Parker portrays an HIV-positive woman who continually deteriorates in health. Drew Barrymore is a young girl who is pregnant. They arrive in Arizona, and have to care for Mary- Louise Parker in her illness. It is an early film for Matthew Mc Connaughy, who plays a local policeman. There is a strong supporting cast of character male actors, including Matthew Mc Connaughey in an early role.
1.The significance of the title? The explanation of the way men relate to women - and the centrality of women and boys on the side?
2.An American road movie? The tradition of the road movies, the car, the buddies, the quest? People encountered along the way? A mid-'90s women's road movie?
3.The locations: the beginnings in New York City, the roads, the small towns, the diners, the tourist centres? The motels? The atmosphere in the various towns? A cross section of the United States?
4.The musical score? The range of songs? The moods? The singing, especially by Mary Louise Parker and Whoopi Goldberg?
5.The focus on women? Women and men in the American '90s? The background of Thelma and Louise? Women determining their own fate? Women and relationships? Lesbian relationships? Pregnancy, choices for abortion or bringing the baby to term? Parenthood? Illness, dying? A woman suffering from AIDS? How well did all these themes blend together in the film?
6.The blend of the humorous and the serious? The strength of the cast? Whoopi Goldberg and her screen presence and style? The contrast with Mary Louise Parker and the pathos? Drew Barrymore and the erratic moods of the younger generation? Love, pregnancy, motherhood?
7.The introduction to Robyn: her advertisement for someone to drive with her? Her meeting the clients? The meeting with Jane? The limited number available? The decision to go with Jane? Setting off from New York City? Going to meet Holly and Jane's responsibility for Holly? The setting up for the trip and the introduction to the three women?
8.The portrait of Robyn: the car, her journey? The mystery about her motives? The revelation that she was suffering from AIDS? The interactions with Jane? The early part of the trip, leaving the city? Hesitations? Bonding with Jane? The encounter with Holly, the violent boyfriend, Robyn and her self-assertiveness, laying down the law? The impact of his death? Putting Holly on the bus - the information about the death and calling to her from the car to join them? Finding a place to stay? The adventures along the road, the interactions? Jane's birthday party and the celebration? The man and his interest in Robyn, dancing with her? Her telling the truth? The care for Holly and her pregnancy? Robyn's mother and her arrival, the tension between the two, the time together and the growing bonds? The interaction with Jane - especially about being frank with sexual words and a feeling of subsequent freedom? Her collapse, going to hospital, Jane's reaction? Holly's decision to give herself up? Jane and her going back? Robyn left alone, coping? Her becoming really ill, going to hospital? Jane's continued care? The sequence of singing the song to her in the hospital bed, the panning shot and the indication of Robyn's death? Robyn and her mother caring for her at the end? The visit of her father? The sadness of her life and death? The achievement? Her strong statements about friendship and about women during the court case?
9.Jane and Whoopi Goldberg's style? Her comedy, serious drama? Her banter? Following the advertisement, the interview with Robyn? Going on the trip, the driving, interactions? The difference between Robyn and herself? Overcoming the differences? The fact that Robyn didn't realise that she was lesbian? Her own experience, the break-up of the relationship? The significance of the lesbian theme and Whoopi Goldberg's performance? The friendship with Holly, rescuing her? Settling her down, the pregnancy? Jane and life in the small town, the birthday celebrations? Robyn's mother coming? Jane and her observing of how Robyn responded to the man at the dance? Holly and the policeman? Holly taking charge of her life - and not listening to Robyn or Jane? Her going away, her return? The birth of the baby? Her caring for Robyn at the end, her singing the song? Her future?
10.Holly and her age, experience, in love with the violent man? The clash, the baseball bat, taunting him, hitting him? Going on the bus, getting off and going with the women? Her pregnancy? Her final taking responsibility for the death? Her happy-go-lucky attitude, attraction to men, frank talking to Robyn and explaining Jane's orientation? The dancing with Abe, the relationship? Giving herself up? The court case and the deal about the sentence? Her not wanting the baby to be born in jail? Abe's support? The birth, her freedom, the marriage? Her complete devotion to Abe? Their future?
11.Robyn's mother, bringing her daughter up very properly? Her coming, love for her daughter, relaxing? Supporting her when she died? Her husband and his absence? At the end?
12.The men on the periphery, on the side? A sympathetic portrait of men? Unsympathetic?
13.Holly's boyfriend, his violence, his death? Robyn and the man interested in her, the dancing, the encounter, her illness, Jane's advice to him? His coming to visit her in hospital?
14.Abe, the southern policeman, their apprehension when he turned up, the fact that he and Holly had fallen in love? Their relationship? His accepting the baby? Their time together, her giving herself up to him? His presence at the court, helping Holly with her decisions? Friendship with Robyn and Jane? Accepting the baby - and the irony of the colour of the baby and the baby not being the child of the violent boyfriend? The wedding?
15.America in the '90s? Free-wheeling and free-floating? Values, questioning of values? Men and women? Relationships? Sexual orientation? Accepting people as they are? The blend of humour, sentiment and pathos?