US, 1988, 92 minutes, Colour.
Jean- Claude Van Damme, Leah Ayres.
Directed by Newton Arnold.
Bloodsport is one of the earliest of Jean- Claude van Damme's martial arts movies. He was later to make the hit Kickboxer as well as such films as Cyborg, Death Warrant. He also achieved success with Lion Heart (The Wrong Bet) and his more upmarket Double Impact.
This film is based on a true story, a martial arts champion and his retaining of his records. It is also a story of brutal fighting and competitions in Hong Kong. Van Damme, treading in the footsteps of Arnold Schwarzenegger, makes an agreeable screen presence, even if he is a minimalist actor. However, there is a strong supporting cast including Forrest Whittaker as a police agent. Van Damme also choreographed the fight sequences which are the main purpose of the film. (It was co-written by Van Damme's collaborator and writer-director of Double Impact, Sheldon Lettich.)
1.The appeal of martial arts action thrillers? Jean- Claude van Damme, screen presence, martial arts skills?
2.American and Hong Kong locations? The use of the city locations, the fights and the bouts? Stunt work and special effects? The musical score?
3.The title, the focus on the fighting, the bouts and the championship?
4.Frank, his background as a boy, in the military, his going to his adoptive father, the memories of his training, learning the martial arts and control? His tribute to his foster father? The Japanese tradition? Evading the military police and their search for him? Going to Hong Kong, getting involved in the competition, evading his pursuers? His meeting Jackson on the bus, their friendship? Meeting the girl, her journalism, interviews, her criticisms of the sport, his explanations, the relationship, sexual liaison? Her fears for him and letting the police know? The enmities, the brutality of the bouts? The promoter and his enthusiasm? Jackson's defeat and the hospital visits? Catching up of the military police, his persuading them not to take him? The final bouts and his championship?
5.The other fighters, Jackson and his size, overestimating himself, competition? Friendship with Frank and support? The other fighters and their skills? The brutality of the fights? The Chinese villain, his tactics and cheating, his being defeated? Frank and his drawing all his resources to defeat the Chinese?
6.The girl, journalist background, interested in the fights, interested in Frank, relationship with him, trying to save him?
7.The military police, serious, comic episodes - especially with the Hong Kong authorities? The pursuit, catching up with Frank, applauding him?
8.Popular ingredients of this kind of genre? How much better, how much worse than the average?