US, 1986, 94 minutes, Colour.
Tim Mattheson, Lisa Eichhorn, Tom Atkins.
Directed by Rod Holcomb.
Blind Justice is a telemovie '80s version of the Wrong Man story. Filmed so effectively in the mid-'50s by Hitchcock with Henry Fonda, this story shows a photographer identified as a robber and an abducting rapist. He experiences trauma over 15 months as he moves from arrest to bail, to re-arrest, to several court cases - each of which he wins. However, the whole experience has effect on him personally, on his wife who separates from him.
The film is quite powerful in its presentation of the unjust treatment of the hero. Tim Matheson gives a very good performance - a blend of the sympathetic as well as the easily irascible, the irritated man who alienates people and won't let them help him as they wish. There is a good supporting cast, including Lisa Eichhorn as his first defending counsel.
Another version of this story was done as a telemovie, Convicted, with Lindsay Wagner, John Larroquette and Carrol O'Connor.
1.The impact of the telemovie? The Wrong Man story? The role of the law and of justice?
2.American background, universal application? The American city, ordinary homes, workplaces? Prisons and courts? Musical score?
3.The themes of justice, the role of the police and law? The victimisation of the individual?
4.The portrait of Jim: at the opening, his desperation, fear of the police, moving away from them, the telephone call? His voice-over comments?
5.The memory of the 15 months: Jim and Kathy and their marriage, love for each other, his skill as a photographer, going jogging, being arrested for exposure when he was merely trying to relieve himself privately? The experience in jail? Going home? The police and the identikit of the robber? Suspect, taken in, the charges, his arrest, the first night in prison and its effect on him?
6.The police, doing their job? Kramer and his determination, harassment? The bail hearing and waiting for his parents to come through the storm? The continues reopening of the cases? The police hounding him and pre judging him?
7.The experience of the prison cells, the desperation for bail? Carolyn and her work, getting him out on bail, getting his parents to find the money? Pleading with the judge? Defending him on several charges? His initial attack on her? Her success? His loss of confidence in her?
8.The relationship between Kathy and Jim, his angers, feeling alone, suspicions by his wife, his father? Her not being able to take it? the separation, her leaving? His accusations in the hospital and her being hurt? The divorce? What more could they have done to reconcile their marriage?
9.The sketch of his parents, their presuppositions about the correctness of law? His father's suspicions? Getting the bail money? Standing by? The phone call at the end?
10.His friends and their supplying information for the alibi? The art director, his exhibition? Her letting him go at the end? Public opinion? The pressure on her?
11.Jim and his fears, angers? Going to the hypnotist and being unable to remember what he did on a certain day? Wondering whether he was insane? His experience of the treatment of the court? Identified by the victims? The judge's outburst after his being declared innocent? Worry, nervy, angry? Taking John Pearson as his lawyer, exploding in anger about Carolyn? John's reaction to him?
12.The night before his final trial, the fear of 35 years in jail? His handling of the case? Not guilty?
13.The effect of the months on him, being hounded, his looking at the police in fear, crashing the car? In hospital, the dream and the new robbery? The new charges? His running away, the lawyer advising him to return, not prepared to run the risks?
14.The rape victims, the girls in the shops and their suffering? The victim recapitulating her experience, going to the house, the discovery of the villain?
15.The real villain, his cynicism, irony that he was in jail at the same time as Jim? The press cuttings on his wall? Jim as innocent? The reaction of the police?
16.His new life, going away? The effect of the experience? The effect of the trauma?