Current News

VOCATION POSTERS - DO THEY COMMUNICATE? DO THEY ATTRACT? Here are some MSC posters from the US and the Philippines. The Philippines MSC have a Facebook site, often posting a range of posters. We can check with some definitions and descriptions Definition of vocation. 1a : a summons or strong…
A FIRST FRIDAY REFLECTION.  LENT, CONFESSION, WYD PANAMA 2019. Pope Francis in sacramental action, Panama On the day Pope Francis visited young detainees in Panama, celebrated a penitential liturgy and heard their confessions, WYD participants across Panama City were also receiving the Sacrament of Penance. By Linda Bordoni On Friday,…
Wednesday, 03 April 2019 23:24


SOME MILESTONES NEVILLE DUNNE The number of members of the Australian Province has increased by one! For decades, Neville Dunne has worked in PNG, becoming a member of that Province, serving as Provincial Superior. He has retired from PNG to Kensington’s Sacred Heart Monastery and has returned to the Australian…
CARDINAL JOHN RIBAT VISITS THE US MSC PROVINCE CENTER VALLEY, PENNSYLVANIA We thank Cardinal John Ribat, MSC and Fr Ben Fleming, MSC for their presence among us at Sacred Heart Villa for this past week. We are honored to have our first MSC Cardinal in our house. Fr Joe Gleixner…
Monday, 01 April 2019 23:09

MSC Music - An Invitation

MSC Music - An Invitation   A FREE MSC Music e-Hymnal covering some favourites from Frank Andersen and James Maher for those parishes and schools that are members with OneLicense. Just add your OneLicense number on the booklet (download with link below) and don't forget to report your usage with…
SOME SIGNIFICANT APRIL DAYS FOR THE CHEVALIER FAMILY, 2019  If you have visited Rome, have you been to Piazza Navona, not just as a tourist but to visit the first MSC Church there, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, and the headquarters of the Italian Province? The other entrance is…
Friday, 29 March 2019 23:35


WEEKEND GOING THROUGH PHOTO FILES   Looking at our photo files, we discover some pictures and stories that did not yet use - there may be some people and situations you know. Fred & Sue Stubenrauch’s farewell: The Douglas Park community farewelled Fred and Sue Stubenrauch on Saturday 8th December.…
Thursday, 28 March 2019 22:03


ACKNOWLEDGING PETER HARVEY JACKSON MSC In recent years we have been acknowledging Australian MSC on the occasion of a significant birthday, especially when they turn 80. Today is the 80th birthday of Peter Harvey Jackson, born in 1939.  Peter went to primary school at OLSH College, Bowral, then to St…
BISHOP PETRUS CANISIUS MANDAGI MSC, RECONCILIATION BETWEEN MUSLIMS AND CATHOLICS. Over the last two weeks we have been moved, have grieved, have felt great solidarity with New Zealand, with the horror of the massacre in Christchurch, the mourning for those who were killed at prayer, for their relatives and friends.…
WORKSHOP OF MSC MEN MORE RECENTLY ORDAINED   The photo shows from left: Peter Anthony (Randwick), Kimi Vunivesilevu (Kippax), Thang Nguyen (St Mary’s Towers Retreat Centre), Khoi Nguyen (Blackburn), Pat Mara (Nguiu), Krish Mathavan (Henley Beach), Frank Dineen, (facilitator) and Peter Hendriks (Nightcliff). (Tru absent in Vietnam.)                                                                                                                                                 The accompanying…
FOUNDATION DAY OF THE MISSIONARY SISTERS OF THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS, MSC SISTERS, MARCH 25th. This year the Foundation Day, 25th March (1900), was celebrated at the Sisters’ House of Hospitality in Balwyn, Melbourne. The Sisters are based in Victoria – not so well-known in other states. OLSH…
HINDMARSH PARISH, MSC SOON TO HAND BACK TO ADELAIDE ARCHDIOCESE Noel Mansfield MSC, part of Hindmarsh parish, has sent this report on a meeting about the handover. He titled it, People Renew Their Own Parish On Saturday, March 2nd, 2019, about one hundred parishioners gathered to discuss and decide on…
Saturday, 23 March 2019 07:41


MSC GROWTH IN WORLD PROVINCES. Every so often this site ranges around the MSC society and various provinces, especially highlighting growth in professions and ordinations. This weekend we visit the Philippines, Brazil, PNG, Pacific Union – encouragement for future ministry and heart spirituality. Newly ordained Ronaldo Lobo, Philippines Renewing Vows…
CUSKELLY HOUSE, BLACKBURN, MSC FORMATION 10th ANNIVERSARY From 21 March 2009 to 21 March 2019 - 10th Anniversary of Cuskelly House. MSC ministry in the parish of St Thomas the Apostle in Blackburn began in 2008 with the arrival od Chris Murphy as PP - although parishioners had a longtime…
Wednesday, 20 March 2019 22:27


MSC MISSION EASTERN PAPUA, WORTH KNOWING. Recently, Chris McPhee, MSC Provincial visited PNG confreres, not so many Australians there these days. PNG MSC province and confreres ministering there. We noticed that this week, March 19th, saw the 80th anniversary of the death of Fr Hubert Tomlinson MSC – at the…
NEW BOOK, SET ME FREE, BRIAN GALLAGHER MSC At the end of last year, Coventry Press published a revised and enlarged version of Brian's Communal Discernment.   They have followed up with a new book based on Brian's doctoral thesis which was awarded last year. Brian continues his longtime dedicatioin…
Monday, 18 March 2019 22:26


RIP, DEACON BONIFACE PERDJERT, WADEYE. Malcolm Fyfe MSC, Vicar General, Diocese of Dawin, has written: I write with sadness to inform you that Deacon Boniface Perdjert died about 1 pm today surrounded by family members, after having spent the last 3 weeks or so in the Royal Darwin Hospital. Many…
INTRODUCING PETER ANTONY MSC, FROM INDIA TO RANDWICK Fr Peter Antony is the new Assistant Priest.  We learn about him in this interview from the Randwick parish bulletin, with thanks to Tony McNamara and Debra Lawrence, Tell us about your family Both my parents are in their 60s. My father,…
Thursday, 14 March 2019 22:59


INTERVIEW WITH CARDINAL JOHN RIBAT MSC crdinal Ribat stressed his country is facing one major problem that can't wait for a solution: climate change. “It is really the biggest issue for us. We cannot keep quiet about it. We have to come out with it,” he said, noting that the…
Wednesday, 13 March 2019 22:35


JUBILEE DINNER AT KENSINGTON, PHOTO MEMENTOS   While there were several men celebrating profession anniversaries at the Mass and dinner at Kensington, the Golden Jubilee was that of Henk Bosman. He celebrated with his brother, John, who preached the homily, and other members of his family and with the Kensington…
Tuesday, 12 March 2019 22:31


MARCH 13th. POPE FRANCIS AFTER SIX YEARS? Elected March 13th 2013.  Changing the Church? How? Some ideas from Thomas Reese SJ. The pope has called for a new way of evangelizing. He tells us that the first words of evangelization must be about the compassion and mercy of God, rather…
TIM BRENNAN: NEW POSTING AT MSC GENERAL HOUSE The Australian contingent at the MSC General House in Rome is about to be increased with the recent appointment of Tim Brennan. His task is to establish a specialist  Safeguarding Desk at the General House.  Tim Brennan, following a stint as the…
Sunday, 10 March 2019 22:37


ACKNOWLEDGING ELIZABETH (LIZ) PHELAN On our site we have been acknowledging MSC priests and brothers as they turn a significant age, and upwards.   Perhaps taking a cue from our post for International Women’s Day last Friday and the focus on the women in the Chevalier Family, it is important…
BISHOP ROCHUS TATAMAI MSC AT PORT MORESBY MEETING ON VATICAN MEETING.   Rochus Tatamai was present at the Vatican Meeting as President of the Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. The following meeting took place a week after the Vatican meeting. An immediate response - with speakers,…
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’ DAY – CELEBRATING THE CHEVALIER FAMILY Acknowledging and celebrating International Women’s Day -  beginning at home: the Chevalier Family. Jules Chevalier had a broad vision for his mission – and the women and men called to it. There are more women than men in the Chevalier Family, OLSH…
Thursday, 07 March 2019 07:17


RIP, DENIS EDWARDS The Missionaries of the Sacred  Heart offer sympathy and prayers to the Archdiocese of Adelaide on the death of their priest and theologian, Denis Edwards. Msgr Edwards, 75, died at the Royal Adelaide Hospital after suffering a stroke on the weekend. A senior lecturer in theology with…
Tuesday, 05 March 2019 22:42

Ash Wednesday Reflection

 Ash Wednesday Reflection   Laura Kazlas From: Today is Ash Wednesday and Catholics throughout the world are observing this occasion by attending Ash Wednesday services at their parish and fasting, or abstaining from meat.  The first reading for mass today from the book of Joel, goes right along with…
SURGERY AND TREATMENT FOR HEART OF LIFE CENTRE DIRECTOR That sounds  a somewhat sensational heading – but it is designed to draw attention to the beginning of 2019 at Heart of Life. Last month, HOL director (since 2014), Paul Beirne, had surgery on face and neck, putting him out of…
PNG INDIGENOUS SISTERS – YOU MAY NOT HAVE HEARD THIS STORY We know that quite a number of religious congregations of sisters were established with the help of MSC bishops and priests. Indigenous Sisters, Daughters of Mary Immaculate, New Britain. We also know the stories of the Japanese imprisonment of…
Saturday, 02 March 2019 13:35


GOLDEN JUBILEES OF PROFESSION, 1969-2019. Congratulations to the men who are celebrating 50 years of profession. The actual day was 1st March. Celebrations for the jubilarians (and for some of those 60 years and 70 years professed), March 2nd. And, in alphabetical order. Henk Bosman MSC. Originally from Holland, older…
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