Tuesday, 28 May 2019 22:42



p sharpe

We have been establishing a feature of this site in acknowledging the life and ministry of our confreres at the time they turn 80, 85, 90, 95, significant milestones.

It is the turn of Patrick Sharpe MSC who turns 85 tomorrow.  Patrick came from the Orange area of western New South Wales.  He made his profession on February 26th 1955. After studies at Croydon, he was ordained on June 26th 1961.

Patrick Sharpe

After studying teacher training iin 1962, he spent many years in Education, especially at Daramalan College in Canberra – where one of the wings bears his name. He also taught at St John’s College in Darwin.

sharpe wing

Daramalan - and that is the Sharpe Quad in front of the Sharpe wing.

Patrick has had a iifelong interest in art, in the arts, and has worked in painting, sculpture, and in writing poetry.

In later years, he worked in parishes, especially Randwick and North Randwick. He is chaplain to the Brigidine Community in Randwick.

APIA Randwick dinner Hoang Humberto Pat Sharpe

With the international MSC visitors for the APIA conference, dinner at Randwick, 2018.