Current News

10 Years of Site Postings - Interview with the editor of the Province Website. You have edited the website for 10 years? Yes, beginning on August 17, 2010. In fact, the website had been set up by one of our IT priests from CFA, the Communication foundation for Asia, an…
MSC Perspective, World War II Pacific. 75th anniversary of VJ Day, end of the war. Between December 7th 1941 and September 1942, the Japanese had bombed many Asian countries and as far south as Darwin. The war had some profound effects on MSC ministry in PNG, Indonesia, the Philippines, Kiribati,…
Continued interest in the death of Fr Jules Dubuy and details of the recent Goilala reconciliation. From The National, PNG by Clifford Fairparik ABOUT 20,000 Fuyuge language speakers in the Goilala district have finally revealed the truth about how French priest Fr Jules Dubey died 68 years ago. They also…
Daramalan College. Not strictly an Alumni story… but a Daramalan connection, nevertheless. John Walker MSC writes: As most of you would have seen, yesterday WW2 seaman Teddy Sheean is set to be posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross.       And the Daramalan link? We currently have three boys at the College, Matthew,…
Profession and Deaconate Ordination Day, Philippines Photo of novice master Nords, with the 4 Vietnamese and 1 Philippine after making first vows. On the Feast of the Lord's Transfiguration, two of our confreres were ordained as deacons: Rev. Chris John A. Awa, MSC (Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu) and Rev. Julieto O.…
Monday, 10 August 2020 22:57

A 2020 Mary MacKillop reflection.

A 2020 Mary MacKillop reflection. 8th August was the feast of St Mary of the Cross, who was banished and excommunicated for a time, can teach us courage – Interview with Josephite Superior General, Monica Cavanagh. Catholic Leader By Emilie Ng THERE was the time she was forced to leave…
Goilala reconcile with God and France.  A PNG story. Death of Fr Jules Dubuy MSC Esther Bralyn Wani, NBC News PNG Tim Brennan sent a message from the French MSC Provincial, Daniel Auguie, concerning the death of Fr Jules Dubuy in 1952, considered an accident but revealed that he was…
NEVILLE DUNNE – PANEGYRIC  - a tribute and our opportunity to learn the life and ministry of our confrere Unless the grain of wheat falls on the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain; but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest.  (Jn. 14. 5 – 6)…
Chevalier Family Social Justice, First Friday intention: Domestic Violence. This month’s intention is particularly important for Australia. Below some statistics and Catholic outreach. CENTACARE The challenge of statistics as they highlight alarming realities   ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
 75th Anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima - a Catholic memento, a Jesuit story. Today is the 75th anniversary of the explosion of the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima. Father Arrupe, who was the leader of Jesuits between 1965 and 1983, witnessed –being maybe the only Spanish- a catastrophe…
August – the month for formation, professions, ordination, for Filipino and Vietnamese students in the Philippines. Eight MSC Filipino and Vietnamese novices have been invested with the religious habit of the Missionaries of the Sacred as they started their Novitiate Formation. We join them in prayers thanking God for the…
Jules Chevalier and his visit to the Cure of Ars. Today is the feast of St John Vianney, the Cure of Ars. We know that the Cure died not long after Jules Chevalier’s visit in 1859. Here is the version from biographer, Henri Vermin MSC. By the way, below is…
SOME SIGNFICANT AUGUST DAYS FOR THE CHEVALIER FAMILY. 2020 Looking at a number of the entries, August seems very much an OLSH month,   A re-enactment of the arrival at Yule Island Mary Louise Hartzer, the foundation, arrivals in Yule Island and Kiribati. 1 August, 1887 The first four FDNSC…
Three posts for this weekend: New MSC Bishop, 60th anniversary celebration and tribute to Neville Dunne by Bishop Rochus Tatamai MSC. Announcement of Bishop Valentim Fagundes Menezes MSC Today Wednesday July 29, the Apostolic Nunciature in Brazil announced the decision of Pope Francis to appoint Father Valentine Fagundes Menezes Bishop…
Golden Jubilee of Profession, Paul Browne MSC Congratulations to Paul Browne on his Golden Jubilee. After his novitiate at Douglas Park, he made his first vows on August 1st 1970. Paul made his profession as an MSC Brother. In 1974, he began studies for the priesthood at St Paul’s National…
The MSC site supports ACRATH, World Day, July 30th, The scourge of human trafficking. May our prayer lead us to action against human trafficking Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) has developed a prayer and action resource to use in marking the 2020 World Day Against Trafficking in…
Working in masks. Miinistry in masks. Life in masks. A humorous commandment - but serious.   A photo of deacon Michael Angelo Acera Dacalos MSC at his first baptism, Philippines. Wherever you are as you visit our site there may be discussion about wearing masks in these coronavirus times.Premier of…
Announcement: New Appointment  for 2021 – Director of the Chevalier Institute, Anne McAtomney. With recent approval of the Provincial in Council, I am pleased to announce Anne McAtomney as the next Director of the Chevalier Institute. Anne will commence in the role in January, 2021. After a comprehensive selection process…
Daramalan College, New Principal, 2021, Rachel Francis-Davies With the recent approval of the MSC Provincial in Council, Daramalan College is pleased to announce Rachel Francis-Davies as the next Principal of the College commencing in January 2021.  After a comprehensive selection process that attracted many well qualified candidates, it was apparent…
RIP, Neville Dunne MSC, longtime PNG missionary and provincial superior   Steve Dives writes: With great sadness we advise that our dear brother and confrere Neville Dunne died very peacefully this afternoon (Saturday) at St. Joseph’s Nursing Home Kensington. Neville has been suffering the effects of dementia, a stroke and…
Friday, 24 July 2020 23:13

What was your best letter to God?

What was your best letter to God...? 2020 has seen an increase in prayer – and different ways of praying. The Catholic Central Library in Melbourne has reported a large increase in sales of the weekly Missal. But we all have our questions in our letters to God. Here are…
Fr Ted McCormack MSC, an achievement, 60 years ordained. Our congratulations to Ted, 87th birthday on July 14th, and 60 years ordained today. Ted has had a fruitful ministry in PNG, in Australian parishes and, in more recent years, parish supply, especially in the Sandhurst diocese. (Though covid-19 has limited…
Acknowledging Albert Yelds MSC, turning 95 today. We offer hearty congratulations to Albert Yelds on his 95th birthday. And, on Monday, he will be 67 years ordained. Albert has worked in MSC Colleges, was committed for many years to a travelling ministry of devotion to the Sacred Heart. In the…
Tuesday, 21 July 2020 22:53

New book, Dear Movies, Peter Malone MSC

New book,  Dear Movies, Peter Malone MSC Coventry Press has just published a book by Peter Malone MSC. It draws on his years of film reviewing and his work connecting cinema and spirituality. It is a series of letters (101 in fact) to movies that have influenced him over the…
Solidarity with our Central American MSC confrereres, Covid-19 claims the life of Juan Dore Chicas from Guatamala. Humberto Henriques MSC writes: Unfortunately, COVID keeps taking more and more known people. This time he was another missionary of the Sacred Heart, Juan Dore Chicas, Member of Central America and Mexico Province,…
Sunday, 19 July 2020 23:19

An MSC Update, photos from Vietnam,

An MSC Update, photos from Vietnam, Courtesy of Bob Irwin and Bang, our photographer Thien, Joseph Vuong,Truc, Bob, Huy, Vuong, Hung....the two Vuongs begin 2nd year novitiate, the other four will be professed on August 6, in Manila.  Students, and Bang, our photographer second from the end. Those going to…
A Weekend reflection and prayer in these times. With lockdown and covid headlines, there are no so many stories these weeks. It seemed a good idea to post some relevant prayers and reflections. And the Church And shared faith And for a Scripture reference
Solidarity with South Africa as covid-19 spreads in that country. July 18th, Nelson Mandela Day.   Nelson Mandela has many accolades. He’s an iconic figure that triumphed over South Africa’s apartheid regime. He was a human rights lawyer, a prisoner of conscience, and an international peacemaker. And he was the…
Wednesday, 15 July 2020 22:31

An OLSH Parish, Randwick, story. Tony Chung

An OLSH Parish, Randwick, story.  Tony Chung The Chung Family It’s a long way from Papua New Guinea.             Born in Papua New Guinea in 1952, Tony Chung  has been part of the parish since 1965.  This is his story. My father, says Tony, was the General Manager of the Burns…
God's Foolishness, A Spirituality of Heart - a new book by Brian Gallagher MSC From the Coventry Press flyer and website: God's Foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God's weakness is stronger than human strength. (1 Corinthians 1:25). Reflecting on his own life and on the lives and teachings…
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