Friday, 16 October 2020 23:17

Mary MacKillop, 10 years anniversary of her Canonisation.

Mary MacKillop, 10 years anniversary of her Canonisation.

mary mackillop statue

The Sisters of Saint Joseph will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the canonisation of St Mary MacKillop this weekend with commemorative prayers, videos and a global vigil in her honour.

mary mackillop 10 years

The MSC have long admired the Sisters of St Joseph and their ministry and mission.  In 1866, the year of foundation, Mary MacKillop used the motto which Jules Chevalier promoted, ‘May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved”. We have still not been able to discover where Mary MacKillop found the motto.  It is on a cloth in the MacKillop Museum at North Sydney. It is referred to as the Congregation Seal, the date 1866. The photo is from one of the exhibition cases in the museum.

Many MSC have had sisters in the congregation including Norbert Earl (whose sister, Sister Denis was a Superior General), Ed Bennett, John Burford, James McNamara, Frank Crilley, Terry Barry, Peter Carroll. Sister Denis Malone was an early Josephite.

There have been many connections. Fr Matthew Smith gave the Saint her last communion, Viaticum.  For many years Paul Stenhouse celebrated the morning Mass at Mount Street.  Associations with St Margaret’s Darlinghurst and the MacKillop Centre in East Melbourne – and many others.

mary mackillop plaque brunswick st

St Mary MacKillop was canonised by Pope Benedict XVI in Rome on October 17, 2010. About 9000 Australians travelled to Rome to celebrate the occasion.

Ten years on, the Sisters of Saint Joseph are inviting Australians to reflect on what the canonisation of Australia’s first saint meant to them then and now.

The theme chosen for this celebration is "Take Fresh Courage". This theme, reflecting the many challenges Australians have faced in 2020 , is taken from a letter written by St Mary MacKillop in 1877.

mary mackillop mosaic large

Sr Monica Cavanagh, Congregational Leader of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, said: “The 10th anniversary of Saint Mary MacKillop’s canonisation is a chance for us to reflect on Mary’s legacy and the valuable lessons her life experiences have taught us.

“She faced hard times and adversity over the years, from her family’s poverty to the loss of many loved ones. She carried on, strengthened by her faith and her determination to serve others … She was a woman of strong convictions and great energy who treasured friendship and family. Mary always had a place in her heart for those most challenged by life’s circumstances.

mary mackillop and jtw

“I am proud that the Sisters of Saint Joseph continue to follow in her footsteps today and people from around the world find inspiration in her example.”