Rochus Tatamai MSC, Installation, Rabaul – report, homily, photos.
The ceremony of Installation of the 8th Archbishop of Rabaul, Abp Rochus Josef Tatamai MSC, was a great gathering of well over hundreds of priests, nuns, the Apostolic Nuncio, Sir John Cardinal Ribat, 15 archbishops and bishops, as well as many, many parishioners.
The date was set for 29th of September, the Patron Saint of PNG, Archangel Michael. More importantly, it was also the date when, 138 years ago, the first three MSC missionaries arrived on Matupit Island. Today’s celebration featured a glorious liturgy, angelic singing, inspiring speeches and testimonies expressing appreciation for the work of the missionaries. Many praises were spoken about the work of the outgoing Abp. Francesco Panfilo SDB and we thanked him deeply for his work among us. Pope Francis and the Nuncio were thanked and blessed for appointing a true son of this land to the new role of Archbishop of Rabaul.
After the formal celebrations a colorful, lively and powerful presentation of cultural groups took place. It is always amazing to see the richness of PNG culture which is absolutely unique in the world. Congratulations to Abp. Rochus J. Tatamai, MSC and the people of ENB for the amazing day of celebrations in the history of The Catholic Church and PNG.
Vunapope, Rabaul, Papua New Guinea, 29 September 2020 -- A grand Installation Mass of the first local and 8th Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Rabaul, His Grace Rochus Josef Tatamai MSC was held on Tuesday 29th September, at the Vunapope Sacred Heart Cathedral, East New Britain Province. 29th September is the feast day of the Archangels and St Michael is the patron saint of Papua New Guinea.
The Installation had as its theme: “God Wantaim Yumi”. Archbishop Rochus Tatamai was the main celebrant. Concelebrating with him were 14 bishops. Amongst them were the Apostolic Nuncio to PNGSI, Archbishop Kurian Mathew Vayalunkal; Sir John Cardinal Ribat MSC; Archbishop Emeritus, Francesco Panfilo SDB; and a large number of priests. Also present were religious, seminarians, family and friends and the people of the Archdiocese of Rabual and the other dioceses.
Abp Tatamai served the Diocese of Bereina for eleven years since 2007, the diocese of Kavieng for two years since 2018, before his appointment as the Archbishop of Rabaul. He is a direct descendant of Blessed Peter ToRot.
In his homily Abp Rochus gave thanks to God for the years and experience as Bishop of the dioceses of Bereina and Kavieng. He compared his return to Rabaul similar to that of Jesus’ return to Nazareth. “Jesus returned to Nazareth and was judged by the people for what he did. There will be those who will judge and question my decisions, but all I ask for is your cooperation and patience as you allow me to lead as your new Shephard,” he said.
He reminded the people to continue to support the Church in their efforts to drive forward the Province and its people. He urged parents to pray and encourage their children to live a Holy Life in the Church. “Pray for our children, that they become people of faith and remain in the service of the Church as Catechists, Seminarians and as Religious,” he said. He highlighted not only quantity but quality of vocations.
He stressed the need for the archdiocese to become more inclusive in its efforts of improving its quality to effectively deliver its diocesan pastoral plan among its people. He thanked Archbishop Panfilo for his inclusive thrust of reaching out in a special way to the people in Pomio, where he established 7 new parishes. He thanked him for his stress on education, youth ministry, family ministry, vocations and the different social issues faced by the people. He thanked Archbishop Karl Hesse who stabilized the archdiocese after the volcanic eruption.
At the start of the celebration, the Apostolic Letter of Pope Francis, was read and displayed to all. Thousands of Catholic faithful from the three deaneries of Rabaul, Pomio and Kokopo were present together with many who travelled from as far as the Dioceses of Kavieng, Kimbe and other dioceses of Papua New Guinea to be present for the celebration. The Vunapope parish choir led the singing and the dances were by the Diocese of Kavieng and the Vunadirdir parish.
After the Eucharistic celebration speeches and a variety of items were presented. These included a march past by the students and Vunapope Catholic Women, traditional dance performances from the Baining and Pomio areas of Rabaul, and a variety of dances from the Dioceses of Kavieng and Kimbe.
Several amongst the gathering thanked Archbishop Panfilo and spoke joyfully of the new archbishop. Patricia Novena, a housekeeping maiden, with joyful tears in her eyes said that the installation of the first local Archbishop was not just a milestone for the Church but for the people of ENB Province. “I am grateful for the grace and power of God. I am blessed to be part of this generation witnessing this significant event for the Archdiocese,” she said.
Allister Tavtavun, from Rabaul, described the installation as ‘historic’ as this was the first time a local was appointed to such a prestigious role in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. “The previous seven Archbishops were expatriate missionaries and this is the first time that one of our own, born and raised up here, has taken up this elevated position of the Church,” he said.
The Catholic church was established 138 years ago on Matupit island. Many missionaries lived and proclaimed the faith. Several died of exhaustion, malaria and were even martyred for their faith.
Rabaul (Agenzia Fides) - "I thank God for the years passed and the pastoral experience in the dioceses of Bereina and Kavieng. I return to Rabaul as Jesus returned to Nazareth: here he was judged by the people for what he had done. There will be those who will judge and will question my decisions, but all I ask is your collaboration and patience to allow me to lead the community, with the light and grace of God, as your new Pastor": with these words Mgr. Rochus Josef Tatamai MSC, new Archbishop of Rabaul, addressed the faithful at the solemn inauguration Mass as the eighth Pastor of the archdiocese. As reported to Fides by the Communications Office of the Bishops' Conference, the local community warmly greeted and welcomed the first local Archbishop at the solemn celebration, held on September 29, in the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Vunapope, in the province of Eastern New Britain. The Apostolic Nuncio in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, Archbishop Kurian Mathew Vayalunkal, Cardinal John Ribat, MSC, Archbishop Emeritus Francesco Panfilo, SDB, and a large number of priests, religious and lay faithful who came from different dioceses and provinces were present.
Archbishop Tatamai, who served the diocese of Bereina for eleven years and the diocese of Kavieng for two years, since 2018, is a direct descendant of Blessed Peter ToRot, catechist and martyr, a reference figure for the Catholic community in Papua.
Addressing the families, the Archbishop urged parents to pray and encourage their children to "live a holy life in the Church". "Pray for your children, so that they become people of faith and remain at the service of the Church as catechists, seminarians and religious".
He then underlined the need for the archdiocese to become more inclusive in its efforts to improve the quality of the apostolate and pastoral action. Thanking his predecessor, Archbishop Panfilo, former ordinary, especially for the evangelizing action in the area of Pomio, where he founded 7 new parishes, recalled his commitment to education, youth ministry, family ministry , pastoral care for vocations and the various social issues addressed.
People particularly appreciated the fact that the community has, for the first time, an Archbishop from the same area. "The installation of the first local Archbishop was not only a milestone for the Church, but for the whole province. It is a very important and significant step. We are grateful to God for this gift", said Patricia, a lay Catholic present. The previous seven Archbishops were missionaries, while "this is the first time that one of us, born and raised here, is called to lead the Church", he noted.
During the celebration dances of local cultures were carried out and there was a tribute to the missionaries who founded the first mission, 138 years ago, on the island of Matupit. Many missionaries lived and proclaimed the faith. Many died of malaria or were martyred for their faith.
Papua New Guinea has 6 million inhabitants and is a "Christian country", as is written in the Constitution, born after independence: 95% of Papuans are baptized in the many Christian Churches present, of different denominations. Catholics are about 27%.