Current News
Sunday, 20 September 2020 22:10
RIP. Bill Penn, Lay MSC
RIP. Bill Penn, Lay MSC We received the very sad news that Mr. Bill Penn died peacefully on Friday night. Bill met Phil Hoy at Ozanam House in Melbourne and Phil took him to St. Mary’s Towers Douglas Park for a couple of weeks break back in the 1980s. Bill…
Friday, 18 September 2020 23:26
A collection of international MSC photos
A collection of international MSC photos French African Union Sent by Jonas Mouchi MSC from Cameroun, pictures of the newly professed men in Formation. Smaller numbers next year. Bishop Toussaint Iluku MSC, previously regional superior and working in Formation. Indonesia Confreres in Indonesia: July 15, 2020, eight confreres…
Thursday, 17 September 2020 22:36
MSC Justice and Peace. Zoom Event. UN International Day of Peace. Invitation.
MSC Justice and Peace. Zoom Event. UN International Day of Peace. Invitation. MSC Justice and Peace Centre: MSC, individually and collectively, are called to "read the signs of the times" and form an MSC view of the world that develops a critical judgement of events and also knows how to…
Wednesday, 16 September 2020 22:23
Heart of Life Centre for Spirituality and Pastoral Formation. An MSC Spirituality Ministry, 2021 Programs.
Heart of Life Centre for Spirituality and Pastoral Formation. An MSC Spirituality Ministry, 2021 Programs. Heart of Life is inviting applications for its 2021 Spiritual Formation Programs Each of these Programs may be available face-to-face, online via Zoom, or a combination of both Siloam Program - Full-time - a one-year, full-time program…
Tuesday, 15 September 2020 22:44
MSC Adelaide: “In the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church”
MSC Adelaide: “In the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church” Celebrating the MSC Legacy in the Adelaide Archdiocese September 21st to 25th During September we will celebrate the anniversaries of the death of both Fr. Frank Perry and Fr. John Rate and their legacy as MSC. They continued…
Monday, 14 September 2020 22:38
Vale John Fahey, Chevalier College tribute
Vale Hon JOHN JOSEPH FAHEY AC 12th September 2020 This is the tribute from Chevalier College's Shield and Heart. Chevalier College and its community mourn the passing today of one of its most outstanding alumni John Fahey AC, a member of the Class of 1962. John Fahey was elected to the…
Sunday, 13 September 2020 22:04
Melbourne, 13th September - your sympathy.
Melbourne, 13th September - your sympathy. For the millions of us living in Melbourne, 13th September was to be our day of hope, a day of lifting coronavirus restrictions. It is not to be – the hopeful day has been postponed for at least a fortnight. (The daily infection rate…
Friday, 11 September 2020 23:10
A Visit to the MSC Pacific Union, Suva
A Visit to the MSC Pacific Union, Suva Robati Tebaiuea writes:Ready to go for work at Power Electrical. Br Laisenia is a lincensed Eletrictian who completed his studies on Wire man Module 1 at Fiji National University. Congratulations Brother. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus known and loved everywhere you…
Thursday, 10 September 2020 22:47
MSC Student House, Via Aventina 3, Rome – part of Australian Province history.
MSC Student House, Via Aventina 3, Rome – part of our Australian Province history. Recently, Tim Brennan MSC, stationed at the General House in Rome, working for Professional Standards through the congregation, sent some photos of his wandering around the area where our former international Student House was located. We…
Wednesday, 09 September 2020 22:20
Fr Leo Wearden MSC celebrates 40 Years as a Priest
Fr Leo Wearden MSC celebrates 40 Years as a Priest This is a feature from Sandpiper e-News from the Sandhurst diocese – Leo is clearly a son of Sandhurst. Fr Leo received all his Sacraments in the Sandhurst Diocese and attended school at St Patrick’s Primary School in Tongala, St…
Tuesday, 08 September 2020 22:18
Congratulations: Thoi Tran MSC, celebrating Silver Jubilee of Ordination
Congratulations: Thoi Tran MSC, celebrating Silver Jubilee of Ordination. Today is the Silver Jubilee of Ordination for Fr Thoi Tran. He made his first profession on June 22nd 1991 at St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park, and continued his studies at St Paul’s National Seminary, part of the community of Navarre…
Monday, 07 September 2020 22:35
2020 version, Fatima, screening nationally
2020 version, Fatima, screening nationally. A review from the Australia Catholic Office for Film and Broadcasting FATIMA Who would have anticipated a version of the apparitions at Fathima, 1917, in 2020? There had been a Hollywood version in the early 1950s and the British The 13th Day in 2009. But,…
Sunday, 06 September 2020 22:36
Acknowledging Brother Reg Pritchard MSC - 95 today
Acknowledging Reg Pritchard MSC - 95 today Brother Reg Pritchard MSC turns 95 today. He made his first profession on 26th February 1961. He has worked in MSC schools like Chevalier College - out in the grounds (and happily on a tractor. A quote of gratitude for help from Br…
Friday, 04 September 2020 20:59
MSC support National Child Protection Week
MSC support National Child Protection Week National Child Protection Week is a campaign that is held annually across Australia to raise awareness of child abuse prevention. It has been 30 years since the first National Child Protection Week campaign was launched in 1990 with the aim of bringing abuse and…
Thursday, 03 September 2020 22:10
Col Sinclair MSC, Congratulations, Golden Jubilee of Profession
Col Sinclair MSC, Congratulations, Golden Jubilee of Profession September 5th is a day of Congratulations for Col Sinclair, 50 years professed as a Missionary of the Sacred Heart. From Newcastle, he joined the MSCs in the late 1960s and made his profession in 1970. He worked on the farm at…
Wednesday, 02 September 2020 22:19
Tomorrow First Friday. Chevalier Family Justice proposes Healthcare in 2020
Tomorrow First Friday. Chevalier Family Justice proposes Healthcare in 2020 Catholic Healthcare Australia Catholic Healthcare is a leading not-for-profit provider of residential aged care, home care, retirement living villages and healthcare reaching across the east coast of Australia. We have a strong and proud history of providing care and support…
Tuesday, 01 September 2020 23:24
Acknowledging Malcolm Fyfe MSC, 85.
Acknowledging Malcolm Fyfe MSC, 85. Tomorrow, September 3rd, is Malcolm Fyfe’s 85th birthday. From Melbourne, Malcolm made his first profession on February 26th 1953. He was ordained 25th May, 1962. He spent some time during his study years teaching at St Mary’s Towers and Monivae. He taught at Monivae during…
Monday, 31 August 2020 22:27
Some Significant September Days for the Chevalier Family 2020
SOME SIGNIFICANT SEPTEMBER DAYS FOR THE CHEVALIER FAMILY, 2020 Note: quite a number of references to Mother Marie-Louise Hartzer OLSH 1 September, 1897 The erection of the German MSC Province. Blessing of the first MSC house in Hiltrup, Germany. 1 September, 1899 First 8 candidates of the MSC Sisters…
Sunday, 30 August 2020 22:21
Acknowledging Herman Kooyman MSC, 85.
Acknowledging Herman Kooyman MSC, 85. Congratulations to Brother Herman Kooyman MSC on his 85th birthday. Born in Holland, Herman migrated to Australia. He made his profession on26th February 1964. He worked in MSC schools and in more recent times in the Northern Territory where he still is. With Abzalon, Superior…
Friday, 28 August 2020 22:47
MSC Vietnam. Ordination of Diaconate Ceremony, Thi and Bang
MSC Vietnam. Ordination of Diaconate Ceremony On the Friday morning of August 21, 2020, members of the Vietnamese MSC community (the MSCs in Vietnam) gathered together at the very nice and warm Chapel of Pastoral Central of Phu Cuong Diocese (neighboring diocese to Saigon diocese) with a few relatives of…
Thursday, 27 August 2020 22:42
Paul Jennings MSC, Golden Jubilee of ordination, August 29th.
Paul Jennings MSC, Golden Jubilee of ordination, August 29th. Congratulations to Paul Jennings on the occasion of this Golden Jubilee. This year he has been at Sacred Heart Monastery, Kensington. Most of his ministry has been in Papua New Guinea. This is a reprint of a tribute to him when…
Thursday, 27 August 2020 13:28
An Alert: To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today: Australian Bishops 2020 Social Justice Statement.
An Alert: To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today: Australian Bishops 2020 Social Justice Statement. The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the mental health of many members of our parishes, schools and communities. In fact, most of us will experience a mental health problem at some point…
Tuesday, 25 August 2020 22:36
Remembering and respecting deceased MSC confreres.
Remembering and respecting deceased MSC confreres. The ministries of James Long, John McManus and Bill Clune.
Tuesday, 25 August 2020 16:56
Monivae College, the 1960s - a pat on the back for the teachers
Here is a section from a reflection by Age journalist and feature writer (see below for information about him), Tony Wright. He was a boarder at Monivae in the latter part of the 1960s. "We squabbled over the newspapers each morning at our school. We were boarders, desperate for access…
Monday, 24 August 2020 18:01
A focus on the OLSH Sisters, Kiribati Province. Some Stories and Photos
The OLSH Sisters have been working in Kiribati for a long time. They are a province - but one which has expanded. Here are some stories and photos. Hopes for missionaries to South Africa In Africa, we are in South Africa, Angola, Congo, Cameroun, Senegal, Burkina Faso and South…
Monday, 24 August 2020 14:53
Congratulations in Vietnam
Congratulations in Vietnam August is a big month for our MSC community in Vietnam Lector and acolyte Installation - Friday Aug 14, Lector: Duong Duc Nguyen and Thanh Vu Nguyen Acolyte: Quy Thien Bui and Tinh Dao Anh Renewal of vows: Hung Quoc Le – August 15 Deaconate:…
Thursday, 20 August 2020 22:36
A consequence of lockdown? Of social and physical distancing?
A consequence of lockdown? Of social and physical distancing? This is from Wikipedia. Below some cartoons which highlight the point. Problematic smartphone use is proposed by some researchers to be a form of psychological or behavioral dependence on cell phones, closely related to other forms of digital media overuse such…
Wednesday, 19 August 2020 22:30
Acknowledging the MSC ministry of Compass Theology Review
Acknowledging the MSC ministry of Compass Theology Review COMPASS THEOLOGY REVIEW, AUSTRALIANS DOING THEOLOGY FOR FIFTY YEARS. available from the ATF website to order. Some commendations by Tony Kelly CSsR, from his Foreword. Tony Kelly CSsR In this sizable volume we find surveyed all the articles and the authors that…
Tuesday, 18 August 2020 22:24
A Downlands postscript to last weekend's post on the 75th anniversary of the end of the war in the Pacific.
A Downlands postscript to last weekend's post on the 75th anniversary of the end of the war in the Pacific. In the post last weekend we noted the impact of the war in the Pacific on MSC missions in China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Kiribati, PNG and Australia, Another impact was…
Monday, 17 August 2020 22:29
Death of Doctor John Hargrave AO MBE. 27 Years at the East Arm Leprosarium
Death of Doctor John Hargrave AO MBE. 27 Years at the East Arm Leprosarium Malcolm Fyfe MSC, Vicar General, Diocese of Darwin, has written: I am sending you a Commentary I have put together, following on the recent death of Dr John Hargrave to recall and recognize the very…